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Innovapptive Inc. in collaboration with SAP specializes in the areas of SAP Enterprise Mobility and supports the launch of mobile strategy by providing pre-packages SAP Mobile Apps and Enterprise Mobility Services

Untitled. The Lowdown on Low Code App Development: Why Are Companies Opting for It? It’s not surprising that there will always be a need for the best-in-class software (applications) in the business of all types, regardless of industry.

The Lowdown on Low Code App Development: Why Are Companies Opting for It?

In today’s digitally driven marketplace, keeping pace with customer’s expectations, which are developing as rapidly as technology is progressing, is difficult. To satisfy the demands of the business applications, many organizations attempt to build them internally. However, creating an enterprise level application that meets all of the business requirements involves a variety of skills such as front-end and back-end development, user experience, optimization and more. Drive Progress. Reduce Costs: CIO Struggles The landscapes of business applications are expanding in every arena; keeping constant pressure on organizations’ CIOs to figure out how to create as many applications as possible that can be easily adapted and maintained while minimizing costs. A Solution is Here: RACE App Builder A few standout features in RACE App Builder: Untitled. Top 5 Challenges on The Road to Digital Transformation. The Manufacturing industry is on the threshold of a new digital era.

Top 5 Challenges on The Road to Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has shifted from a ‘lofty buzzword goal’ to a core competency for manufacturing organizations. Organizations, who’ve experienced digital transformation, are seeing increased market share and customer engagement, higher employee morale, and increased revenue, according to a study by the Altimeter Group. Untitled. Wearables: Equipping Your Techs' Wearable Accessories with the Best Mobility Solution. Untitled. Drones in the Sky; Field Inspections on the Fly.

Years back, when people heard the term “Drone”, an evil looking robotic plane capable of reading minds would come to mind.

Drones in the Sky; Field Inspections on the Fly

Nowadays, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), better known as drones, are being used by some of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world. Maneuvering effortlessly around flare stacks, oil rigs, under decks, and along miles of pipeline, these rugged, remote-operated “birds” are saving organizations millions of dollars and make field inspections safer than ever before. Untitled. Transforming Employee Engagement using Real-wear and mWorkOrder. Failing to digitally transform will lead to extinction for enterprise businesses in today’s market.

Transforming Employee Engagement using Real-wear and mWorkOrder

A report in World Economic Forum projects that by 2030, 1 trillion devices will be connected to the Internet (, 2018). To avoid extinction, enterprise organizations are seizing on plummeting costs of technologies and transforming into Digital Enterprises. While we are still in the early stages of the Digital Transformation, organizations failing to take advantage of strategic initiatives, such as embracing Wearables, to better enable their workforce and improve productivity will fall behind in defining their long-term futures. Key drivers behind the move to digital, and embracing real-wear, for enterprise organizations are Enhanced customer experienceOperational excellenceNew business modelsBusiness process innovationsIncreased employee engagement mWorkOrder is now equipped with the ability to support HMT (head mounted tablet) devices, completely run on voice command. Untitled. Top 4 Emerging Technologies Boosting Operational & Technicians’ Productivity in Field Service.

With more than 20 million Field Technicians around the world, the Field Service industry is a giant and growing stronger every day.

Top 4 Emerging Technologies Boosting Operational & Technicians’ Productivity in Field Service

Billions of dollars are spent on technology geared to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and generate profit and revenues; emerging technologies are poised to revolutionize just about every aspect of modern life. 76% of today’s leaders are investing in next-gen technologies and are quickly realizing that the right technology separates digital leaders from the remaining 97%. The TOP 4 emerging technologies to look out for in field service are wearable devices, IoT (Internet of Things), drones, and mobility. The use of these evolutionary technologies is contributing to increasing margins, improving customer loyalty and, most importantly, generating revenue for all organizations. #1 Mobility.

Mobility in Manufacturing: Enhancing Productivity and Eliminating Bottlenecks. The manufacturing industry is under pressure to increase their output, maximize employees’ productivity, and profitability.

Mobility in Manufacturing: Enhancing Productivity and Eliminating Bottlenecks

Untitled. Top 5 Reasons to Opt for No-Code Platforms for App Development. The demand for mobile applications is drastically increasing day-by-day with the digital era sweeping across the modern business landscape.

Top 5 Reasons to Opt for No-Code Platforms for App Development

Traditional methodology of application development simply does not fit into today’s market and it is expensive, both in time and money. Many businesses either completely rely on their IT department and work around time constraints or they use outsourced resources and third-party vendors. Untitled. Impacts of Industrial IoT: Achieve Faster Insight. Improve Enterprise Asset Management. Drive Operational Efficiency.

In the world of manufacturing, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a logical extension of automation and connectivity, accounting for the maximum share of today’s global IoT spending.

Impacts of Industrial IoT: Achieve Faster Insight. Improve Enterprise Asset Management. Drive Operational Efficiency.

For businesses involved in the production and transportation of physical goods, IIoT provides higher operational efficiencies, new business models, and serves as a logical extension of automation and connectivity. Industrial IoT opens many opportunities in automation, optimization, asset performance management, new ways of servicing customers, and the creation of new revenue models. Untitled. Reduce Challenges in Remote Logistics Management while Achieving Full Visibility. Many industries, such as Oil and Gas, Mining, Manufacturing, Automotive, and Transportation & Logistics, rely on smooth supply chain performance, especially those with operations in remote locations.

Reduce Challenges in Remote Logistics Management while Achieving Full Visibility

With digital transformation, all industries are experiencing an unprecedented change to processes especially companies with remote areas. Due to said change, companies should be mindful when managing logistics remotely, as the tasks involved can be cumbersome around procuring, storing, and transporting goods in more than one remote area. Remote Logistics Management (RLM) provides functions for supplying materials from base locations to remote locations (e.g., offshore oil platforms). Untitled. Oil & Gas, The Cloud, & Innovapptive: The Ultimate Solution Provider. Oil & Gas is a very practical industry and has led the way in information technology adoption since the 1960s when British Petroleum (BP) was mapping oil reservoirs in Alaska wilderness with oil recovery technology, then considered far advanced for the time.

Oil & Gas, The Cloud, & Innovapptive: The Ultimate Solution Provider

Everchanging market pricing for crude is forcing oil & gas companies to reevaluate every aspect of their operations. Enter the day and age of “The Cloud” or an “emerging model of computing where machines in large data centers are dynamically provisioned, configured, and reconfigured to deliver services in a scalable manner, for needs ranging from scientific research to video sharing to email,” (First Monday, 2009).

Cloud computing is one of those technologies that is having a surmountable impact on oil and gas as most, if not all, new digital solutions run on cloud computing and some of the necessary solutions in the remote oil fields wouldn’t exist without it. Untitled. Untitled. Utilities: Transforming for the Future with RACE™ App Builder. Mobility is expanding its reach and touching almost every aspect of our life. No wonder, the utility industry, just like every other industry, is experiencing major changes driven by new technologies.

With the advent of smartphones and tablets – mobile apps are enriching every sector of the world and are paving the way for highly immersive customer experiences. Businesses have a high demand for mobile applications support both offline as well as online functionalities. Consumer-grade apps create opportunities for companies to make dramatic changes to both the way they work and how they engage with staff, vendors/partners, and customers. According to Gartner, the market demand for app development will grow at least five times faster than IT's capacity to deliver it through to 2021. Utilities seem an unlikely candidate for change or disruption from the norm, especially given that it has been one of the most stable of industries since the Thomas Edison-era power stations and today. Improving Digital Engagement in Field Service with mServiceOrder.

In today’s hyper-competitive era, it takes months to find a customer but only a small mistake is enough to lose them. To stay relevant, it’s critical for organizations to eliminate information silos, keep their service technicians/teams properly engaged, and drive higher efficiency. Companies need to understand the importance of real-time information/communication in field service operations. Effective field service operations are key to the success of any company with a sizable field service organization. Companies involved in field services need to successfully manage their day-to-day operations, utilize their valuable assets, and maximize productivity while providing exceptional customer service.

Untitled. Utilities, Cloud & Innovapptive - The Ultimate Solution Partner. People don't generate electricity on their own, nor they maintain water treatment plants in their backyards. Every part of our society depends on energy but how are we, as a whole, planning for the evolution of the utility industry? Like other industries, the utility industry is undergoing a massive transformation, experiencing change more rapidly now than in the past. Untitled. Moving to Proactive: Streamlining Work Processes in Manufacturing. Despite using the best-in-class software (SAP), are your maintenance costs are not going down? Are you plagued with decisions to reduce maintenance costs related to materials and manpower? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then your (manufacturing) organization follows a reactive maintenance approach.

Moving from reactive to proactive maintenance is a multi-phase process, requiring streamlining processes and providing maintenance crews access to real-time information. When a manufacturing organization manages maintenance effectively, it sees greater asset reliability and improved margins as well as reduced maintenance costs and much more. Despite knowing the advantages of proactive maintenance, many manufacturers are still following a reactive approach for plant maintenance.

The overall satisfaction measures success the customer gets with the result, no longer just by a "job well done". Untitled. Free Up Working Capital & Improve Customer Service Levels with Inventory Optimization. Inventory is an untapped, cash-rich asset for companies. A key metric that a company is measured by is the ability to turn assets, such as inventory, into cash. To free up cash, companies look at inventory optimization solutions.

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Out with the Old. Embrace the New. Untitled. Innovation in Mobile App Development - RACE™ App Builder in Action. Untitled. Revolutionize Your Strategy for Digital Transformation. While on its way towards the autonomous horizon, modern organizations are still in a peer-based sharing/collaborative world. Untitled. Maximize Your Field Workforce Utilization. As the global footprint is shifting, the world is becoming progressively more connected. Untitled. Redefining Your Enterprise Asset Management with Mobility. The concept of EAM has long existed. Untitled. Optimize Your Field Tech Routes with Correct Spatial Data. Regardless of the industry, any organization managing a distributed network of assets needs to keep them continuously running and adequately maintained which falls to the hands of technicians. Untitled.

Keys to Effectively Develop Your Reliability Centered Maintenance Process. Innovapptive Conversational Operations. Untitled. Digital Transformation FactTank: 5 Things To Make Your Transformation Successful. SAP Mobile Work Orders Personas Configuration with Innovapptive RACE™ Untitled. Optimizing Service Workflows with Augmented Reality. In today’s competitive business environments, it is essential for asset-oriented organizations to have efficient processes and optimized workflows to stay ahead of the curve. The mass adoption of augmented reality (AR) is gathering pace across a multitude of industries, with one of the most heavily impacted being manufacturing.

The market for AR is projected to reach $3.5 billion to $85-$90 billion in revenue over the next 5 years installed by 2020, according to a Digi-Capital 2018 report. From smartphones and tablets to gadgets like headsets, Google® glasses or handheld devices, AR technology is continuously evolving. Improving Field Operations using Mobile Work Order Management. 5.135 billion That’s the number of mobile phone users in 2018. Part 1 - RACE™ Lite with mInventory - Configuring Native Mobile Applications. Mobile Inventory and Warehouse Management with OCR Capability.

Beyond Enterprise Mobile Applications – Connected Platforms to drive the Next Wave. Untitled. Beyond Enterprise Mobile Applications – Connected Platforms to drive the Next Wave. Reduce Bottlenecks & Increase Equipment Uptime in Your Production Plants. Innovapptive RACE™ - The RMAD Framework for the Apple and SAP iOS SDK.

Untitled. The Key to Maximizing Your Wrench Time. 3 Digital Trends Topping 2019 in Field Workforce Management. The Key to Maximizing Your Wrench Time. Untitled. Lifting the Limits: Improving Your Workforce's Wrench Time. Innovapptive’s Inventory and Warehouse Management Mobile Solution Helps Enrich Your Supply Chain. Untitled. Innovapptive Raises $16.3 Million in Series A Funding, Led by Tiger Global Management. Untitled. mAssetTag. Poor Enterprise Asset Management’s Damaging Impact on Financial Reporting. Poor Enterprise Asset Management’s Damaging Impact on Financial Reporting.

Take Advantage of the Pop-Up Warehouse Strategy Using Mobile-First Digital Transformation. mWorkOrder. Untitled. Your Enterprise Asset Management Program Is Only as Good as Your Asset Data. How Does Pop-Up Warehousing Work? Www innovapptive com blog how does pop up warehousing work. mInventory. mWorkOrder. 3 ways inaccurate asset data costs you money BLOG COVER 20200129. 3 Ways Inaccurate Asset Data Costs You Money. Build vs Buy: Six hidden costs you can’t afford to overlook. Improve Offline Capability and Reduce Data Sync Time. Is Your Year-End Financial Statements Accurate?

Connected Workers: How Utilities Can Drive Operational Efficiency with Industry 5.0. Release Announcement: mWorkOrder 7.2. Realizing the Benefits of Connected Workforce Platform. Adopting the Right Solution to Make your Cycle Counting More Effective. Role of Route Optimization in Your Maintenance Process Optimization. Does My Warehouse Really Need A Connected Workforce? 5 Strategies That Help Manufacturers Eliminate Work Order Backlogs. The Future of a Connected Mine Workforce. The Four Key Business Drivers Utility Asset Managers Should Focus On.

Why Automation is the Future of Work Order Management for Utilities. Best practices for effective inventory management and greater accuracy. How to Manage the Rapid Growth of Decentralized Inventory in the Supply Chain. Stop Endangering Your Company, Employees and Assets; Digitally Transform Risk Assessment. Not Getting the Picture? PDF/Image Markup Makes Operator Rounds and Work Order Communications Crystal Clear. How barcode scanning can ensure effective asset tracking. Overcoming costly equipment maintenance challenges in the mining industry.