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Comunicar. Vol.


XXIV, nº 49, 4º trimestre, 1 octubre 2016 Coordinadores temáticos Dr. Alexander Fedorov - Universidad Estatal de Economía de Rostov - Rusia Dr. Jorge A. Revistacomunicar. Edutec-e. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa. Edutec-e. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa. Pixel bit. In contexts in which we are, in which the "Information and Communication Technology' (ICT), become an element of development and empowerment of our schools and training institutions.

Pixel bit

Pixel-Bit, Journal of Media and Education, aims to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences and research on the application of ICT, regardless of the format in which they are submitted and training contexts in which they develop, whether these formal, non-formal or informal, and educational level. Pixel-Bit, Journal of Media and Education, aims to be a channel of distribution and exchange of ideas and information between researchers in different countries and communities concerned about the introduction, improvement and understanding of ICT in training processes. Número actual.