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Programming iPhone Apps

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Learn to Program for the iPhone. My first iPhone application. Last month I wrote about some resources for learning Objective-C that I was using to learn how to write iPhone applications. Judging by the number of comments on that article, I thought that I should write a follow-up post about my progress and the status of my first iPhone application. Since I had a few programming classes in college (VB, C++), the logic of loops and decision statements was not a big hurdle. By using the learning resources like screencasts and books, I was able to get a better grasp of object-oriented programming (OOP) in general, and of course the syntax specific to Obj-C.

I became familiar enough with Xcode just by using it for demo programs, and I used the wealth of iPhone developer resources from Apple to use the iPhone SDK. After paying $99 to Apple to enter into the iPhone Developer program, I was then able to access the forums; they were helpful in figuring out specific things (like how to preset a UIPickerView object).

iPhone & iPad: How to Make a Great App in 6 Easy Steps. Last Updated Apr 5, 2011 2:01 PM EDT Think you could make a fortune building an iPhone or iPad app? You might be right. The web is riddled with stories about young developers who have made a mint by offering their games and applications through the iTunes store. You don't need a degree from MIT either. Consider Freddie Anne Hodges, 12, who was "obsessed" with two things -- how tall she was getting and her iPhone. The message: If a Dallas-based middle-schooler can create an iPhone app, so can you. You just need to follow 6 easy steps. Step 1: Find your niche © 2011 CBS Interactive Inc.. iPhone & iPad: How to Make a Great App in 6 Easy Steps. iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Introduction. Home.

Die Grundlagen der iPhone-Programmierung -- Markus Hardt. Xcode 4 Tutorial Deutsch - Kleines Spiel erstellen Part 1 - Full HD.