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CentOS 7 : Nginx : Configure SSL. CentOS 7 : MariaDB : Replication. CentOS 7 : Create SSL Certificates. Centos 7 - Installer un serveur web - Bonjour à tous !

Centos 7 - Installer un serveur web -

Cet article traite de la mise en place d’un serveur Web sur une distribution minimaliste Centos 7. La procédure est sensiblement différente sur Centos 6.5. Celle-ci fait donc l’objet d’un article spécifique que vous consulter ici : Centos 6.5 - Installer et configurer un serveur web Configuration de Centos 7 IP statique :Centos - Configurer une IP fixe, une passerelle et un serveur DNS Firewall : Autoriser les requêtes http et https dans le Firewall : [root@localhost etc]# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http success [root@localhost etc]# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https success [root@localhost etc]# firewall-cmd --reload success Vous pouvez si vous le souhaitez désactiver complètement le firewall [1] : systemctl disable firewalld Apache yum install httpd systemctl start httpd.service systemctl enable httpd.service Testez ensuite l’url correspondant à l’adresse IP du serveur MySQL ou MariaDB ?

MariaDB Sécuriser MySQL : PhpMyAdmin. Configuring Software RAID1 on Fedora Core using Disk Druid during system install. RAID1 or mirroring configuration uses two hard drives to duplicates exactly one drive to the other.

Configuring Software RAID1 on Fedora Core using Disk Druid during system install

This provides hardware redundancy - if one drive fails the other can continue to operate independently. Hardware RAID is provided by the controller, which present to the operating system one logical drive and the RAID management is transparent. Such RAID controllers manufacturers are Adaptec, LSI MegaRAID and 3ware. The last provides drivers for all operating system). Be aware of performance issues involved with software RAID. Note: most of the onboard SATA RAID controllers are not a real hardware RAID, but just provide an extension for the operating system. Installing Plex Media Server on Centos 7 - Brett Spence. I’ve been running Plex Media Server on an old desktop machine that runs in my closet for a few years now.

Installing Plex Media Server on Centos 7 - Brett Spence

It was running on Centos 5 and has performed beautifully, with the family using it constantly. Unfortunately, as it goes, hardware fails, and I lost two hard drives and the optical drive at the same time. With the new hardware in place, these are the steps I took to get the family fun center up and running. HOW-TO:Install Kodi on Fedora 23 using RPMFusion packages - Official Kodi Wiki. This page presents an approach to turning a minimal installation of Fedora 23 into a standalone Kodi 15.x installation, with minimal additional software / overhead.

HOW-TO:Install Kodi on Fedora 23 using RPMFusion packages - Official Kodi Wiki

The Kodi packages available from RPMFusion are used as the basis for this setup. At the end of this guide you will have a set-top box style of system that, when powered up, will quickly boot and then start Kodi automatically without intervention (e.g. no need to first log in). 1 Current State of This Guide This guide is ready for general use, and has been tested on the following hardware/software: 2 Assumptions This guide assumes you have at least a slight familiarity with Linux in general. 3 Installing Fedora 23 3.1 Obtaining the Fedora 23 Server (x86_64) Installation Image Visit the Fedora 23 (Server) download page at . 3.2 Configure How Fedora will be Installed Boot from the DVD you just created.

You can make whatever choices you like for everything in the LOCALIZATION and SYSTEM sections. Within the SOFTWARE SELECTION section: Instaling ownCloud with nginx and php-fpm – /dev/blog. Setting up an ownCloud instance is rather straight forward.

Instaling ownCloud with nginx and php-fpm – /dev/blog

OwnCloud6 rpm packages for recent Fedora versions (20+) already exist and can be easily installed with yum. Unfortunately, ownCloud’s storage mechanism is rather slow compared to other private cloud solution like Seafile or SparkleShare. Installing Nginx Web Server with MariaDB and PHP/PHP-FPM on Fedora 23. Fedora 23 has been released just a few days ago and we have been closely following ever since.

Installing Nginx Web Server with MariaDB and PHP/PHP-FPM on Fedora 23

We have already covered the installation of Fedora 23 Workstation and Server. If you haven’t checked those articles yet, you can find them on the links below: In this article, we are going to show you how to install LEMP stack. LEMP is a combination of web tools designed for web projects. LEMP includes the – Linux, Nginx (pronounced Engine X), MariaDB and PHP. The installation of Fedora has already been completed so we are ready to proceed with the next part. Before we start, it is recommend that you update your system packages. . # dnf update 1. 1. Nginx can be easily installed fedora with single command: # dnf install nginx.