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How to really improve at League of Legends (not just tips) : summonerschool. The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop. Nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced. Today Bright Side has collected for you works in which the combined efforts of mother nature and photographic artists have captured magic moments showing the wondrous diversity of modern life and the natural world. This is what happens if you throw hot water into the air in Antarctica imgur A galactic tennis ball © Abhijeet Kumar Modern dykes, windmills and highways in the Netherlands imgur A temple covered in ash from the Ontake volcanic eruption, Japan media.jrn Two worlds divided, New York, USA imgur The Supermoon in a radio telescope imgur Just an ordinary day’s building — catching a cloud © trynidada Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s founder ©Ilya Pitalev A blue universe in Japan © Hiroki Kondu / National Geographic Spider webs in Abernethy forest, Scotland © Mark Hamblin Now I can finally get a tan © Gray Malin Volcanic eruption in Iceland © Stef Nisson.

A Soft Murmur. 33 Amazingly Useful Websites You Never Knew Existed. Napoleon Hill - Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind.pdf. Internet Security and Ethical Hacking. Chrome Experiment #500. Dropbox – go FUCK yourself… Привет Яндекс Диск. Най-добрата, безплатна облачна услуга за споделяне, съхранение и управление на файлове идва от Русия…и се казва Яндекс Диск! Напоследък се появиха доста облачни услуги за съхранение на файлове, но точно тази в никакъв случай не бива да бъде пропускана, …тъй като лично за мен тя е да не кажа най-доброто за момента, но едно от най-добрите безплатни уеб приложения за съхранение и управление на документи и други цифрови носители на информация, с достъп до тях където и да се намирате. Произведението на братушките от Русия, “Яндекс Диск” забива в земята доста от англо-езичните си конкуренти със своите възможности, безплатни опции и вариант за работа с инструмента, от което и да е умно мобилно устройство – независимо дали е Андроид или iPhone.

И докато съвсем наскоро от най-голямата търсачка в света /е, в Русия не е чак толкова голяма нито първа/ пуснаха своя Google Drive, от Яндекс малко преди това стартираха своя разрушителен контра-удар спрямо всички налични до момента облачни услуги. Как да намерите фокусът отново | Имали ли сте един от онези дни, в които просто не можете да се съсредоточите? От онези моменти, в които пропилявате вниманието с правене на нищо? Погледът Ви е разсеян, празен, скитащ се насам-натам, без наистина да вършите нещо важно. А случвало ли Ви се е за цяла седмица? Аз лично доста често имам такива моменти. Мога да работя в продължение на няколко часа, но накрая като се обърна назад виждам, че нямам с какво ново да се похваля, не съм изработил почти нищо. Имам чувството, че плавам наоколо като корабче без котва, като пътник без крайна точка. В последно време наистина съм амбициран да развия на едно по-високо ниво. А работата зад сцената по осигуряване на добрата работа на сайта и неговата оптимизация не става по-малко.

Пиша за нещо, мисля за друго, след малко решавам, че трябва да направя нещо трето, което няма нищо общо със задачите, които съм си поставил за деня. От скоро съм намерил простичък вариант да се справям с подобно фрустриране. Повторете и се усмихнете! Uncommon Sense • Knowledge is Power. Most people have heard the phrase “knowledge is power” — but don’t truly understand what it means, or how to utilize it to improve their lives. So here is a little breakdown: Knowledge = Options = Power When you educate yourself, you learn new things that you were previously unaware of. This gives you the ability to make better decisions, come up with more evolved and intelligent thoughts, improve the lives of yourself and those around you, and thus makes you more valuable of a person.

This, in turn, leads to more options. The more valuable of a person you are, the more people will want to be around you, the more they will want to work with you, the more they introduce you to others who need your help or can help you, and the more doors and opportunities open in your life. If you read a book written by a genius in an area you are passionate about, you will absorb so many things that have the potential to dramatically improve your life. More Articles: Fuck Your Comfort Zone Uniquely Genuine. 30 Truths About Girls for Every Gen-Y Guy.

It’s been said that the inner workings of the female mind are a complicated mystery, but really, we’re simpler than you think. While each and every one of us may be different, there are some truths that just seem to speak to the majority. So for all of you dudes out there pondering the world of women (because we know that’s what you do), let me give you a bit of insight into the foreign land of ladies.

Tried and true (for the most part), here are 30 facts about the female psyche. Although I can’t promise they’ll get you lucky, it can’t hurt to have a few more tricks up your sleeve. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Top Photo Courtesy: Signs Of Happiness. Who Handles Breakups Better?: Men Idealize the Dating Game.

Many breakups are a knee-jerk reaction to what men perceive as stagnation: He's bored with the same restaurants, the same petty arguments, the repetitive sex. Once he's back on the prowl, he thinks, he'll be bedding 10s and living the high life. After the breakup, however, he quickly realizes that the singles scene isn't all champagne and half-naked strangers—it's work. Instead of the exciting bar scene, he finds that he misses the intimacy of his past relationship. Studies show that women consistently outscore men on measures of social, sexual, and intellectual intimacy—and women are often quicker than men to realize that intimacy provides the foundation of a lasting relationship, not the sexual thrills.

Emotional Intelligence. Keep calm and make good choices: People with higher emotional intelligence are better decision makers, reports a new study from the University of Pennsylvania. Emotional intelligence (EI) determines how well you process and understand emotions—it’s a sub-skill that allows you to recognize why events make you feel a certain way. “People have a tendency to use their emotional states as springboard when making a decision,” says lead researcher Jeremy Yip, Ph.D. Sometimes this can help you—like if you use frustration about a work project to fuel you to find other solutions. But if you have low EI, you could be strongly influenced by unrelated anxiety—like worrying out about a well-rehearsed presentation because a fight with the Mrs. is on your mind. While some of your EI is genetic, you can still buff up. And that’s important considering studies show that people tuned in to their emotions have more career success, leadership talent, better health, and happier relationships.

Popular Favorites. Programming is terrible—Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012. Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Trailer #2.