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Ouatch TV débarque ce mardi sur le canal 154 de la Freebox. Son arrivée est annoncée depuis quelques semaines, après plus d’un an de négociations avec l’opérateur, la chaîne high-tech Ouatch TV débarquera officiellement demain et en exclusivité sur le canal 154 de la Freebox. A croire que la date n’a pas été choisie au hasard. Pour son lancement sur la Freebox, la chaîne promet un live dès 18h30 pour suivre le keynote d’Apple en direct. Cinq consignes avant de réagir : Rester dans le cadre de l'article. Pour des discussions plus générales, vous pouvez utiliser nos forums.

Vous devez créer un compte Freezone et être connecté afin de pouvoir poster un commentaire. Why spies hate the iPhone. For FinSpy to hack into an iPhone, the phone’s owner must have already stripped away much of its built-in security through a process called “jailbreaking”. Photo: Reuters Craig Timberg The secrets of one of the world's most prominent surveillance companies, Gamma Group, spilled onto the Internet last week, courtesy of an anonymous leaker who appears to have gained access to sensitive corporate documents.

And while they provide illuminating details about the capabilities of Gamma's many spy tools, perhaps the most surprising revelation is about something the company is unable to do: It can't hack into your typical iPhone. Android phones, some Blackberries and phones running older Microsoft operating systems all are vulnerable to Gamma's spyware, called FinSpy, which can turn your smart phone into a potent surveillance device. Users of the spyware are capable of listening to calls on targeted devices, stealing contacts, activating the microphone, tracking your location and more. Place Text & Doodles Over iPhone Photos In Real Time With Text Camera. A few months back, Instagram announced its decision to remove live filters from the famous app, and not many have received this omission kindly.

You can always edit your photos after you have snapped them, but the capability of applying filters and other image effects even before shooting the picture is sure to come in handy every once in a while. A testament to this is the popularity apps offering real-time filters have gained in the recent past. Text Camera for iPhone goes beyond simple image effects, and lets you overlay doodles, text snippets and even quotes over the scene you are about to capture. You can easily adjust the position of these entities by simply dragging them around, and to keep you coming back for more, Text Camera offers the option to unlock more effects by sharing photos through it. Text Camera has a very uncluttered interface, but the app offers a lot to enhance your photos with. Text Camera is optimized for iPod touch and iPhone. Download Text Camera For iOS. Usage of databases are extensive but for viewing, editing, and modifying databases you need to have an compatible software, Microsoft Access being the most popular.

MDB Viewer Plus is a portable freeware software, which lets you to open and modify two very commonly used database formats MDB and ACCDB. Apart from mere a viewer, it enables you to insert and modify records, filter down table record, sorting table data in different orders and importantly allows you to execute SQL commands. Adding more, it also provides you with an option of exporting and importing databases, which could be very handy for viewing database stored in different files like; Excel, Word, Text, Lotus, Quattro Pro etc.

To begin with, launch the program, press F2 on keyboard to view either MDB or MS Access (ACCDB) files. Select the database file to open in MDB Viewer and click OK. It will open up database file into the program, showing list of tables and query tables in tabs. Download MDB Viewer Plus Advertisement. Digito is an open-source batch image processing utility offering features like renaming, resizing, format conversion and more, all with an eye-catching interface. It allows processing of images from multiple sources the result can be obtained in one centralized location. Additionally, the software also supports SMS notifications if a cellular device is attached. To begin with, you can add images using the Add Images button.

These can come from multiple sources, and allow the user to add as many images as they like. You can import your whole image library and select those that you want to process. Selected images are indicated by being enclosed in yellow boxes. With the selections in place, click Batch Process to define the processing settings, or select one of the previously saved settings (if any) from Load Settings. In processing preferences, the first option is renaming of images. Next, you get the resizing and conversion options. Download Digito Advertisement.