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Localization. Android will run on many devices in many regions. To reach the most users, your application should handle text, audio files, numbers, currency, and graphics in ways appropriate to the locales where your application will be used. This document describes best practices for localizing Android applications. The principles apply whether you are developing your application using ADT with Eclipse, Ant-based tools, or any other IDE. You should already have a working knowledge of Java and be familiar with Android resource loading, the declaration of user interface elements in XML, development considerations such as Activity lifecycle, and general principles of internationalization and localization.

It is good practice to use the Android resource framework to separate the localized aspects of your application as much as possible from the core Java functionality: For a short guide to localizing strings in your app, see the training lesson, Supporting Different Languages. Example: Localization Checklist. RE: [android-porting] Adding different locales to an image - Ryan Beesley - *Guide* - view other languages on the G1. *Guide* - view other languages on the G1 first of all i would like to thank this forum and it's members, you have been a great source of G1 info for me, and i want to give something back this is a guide for installing fonts which will enable you to get rid of the annoying while boxes when you try reading something in a foreign language such as: web pages contacts pretty much everything else note that it does not alter your current English font, so no worries about font size not fitting buttons, etc. this, of course, requires root access.

I haven't been able to find a comprehensive and full guide, so i made one: 1) download the DeJaVu fonts from here, they are freely licensed (so no worry about copyrights). 2) copy 'DejaVuSans.ttf' to your sdcard and rename it exactly 'DroidSansFallback.ttf' 3) start terminal emulator and type exactly (watch the Case) the following commands, followed by enter: Code: your phone will now reboot, and vualla! Note: you might want to make this a sticky. Adding Hebrew fonts - Page 2. Hebrew supporting Droid font mix Hi, For those interested, I did a "mix" of the original Droid font from Google and the Hebrew glyphs from the DejaVu font. The result is a regular Droid font (so everything looks normal), that also displays Hebrew. IANAL, but from my understanding the license for the two fonts are compatible, so I've put the file for download on my web site here (it's in Hebrew, but would you need hebrew fonts if you can't read hebrew?

Anyway ) Android Hebrew fonts For those wondering how I did it and/or want to do the same for a difference language, it's quite easy - grab the original Droid fonts, grab a font that has the glyphs (letters) you need and use the free and open source FontForge program to cut & paste the glyphs from the font in your language into Droid. Cheers, Gilad. Force Locale on Android. While playing with localization on the Android for my app I came upon an annoying bug. It seems running on Motorola Milestone the fonts were getting smaller on each locale update. I use the following code for locale changing (from String languageToLoad = "de"; Locale locale = new Locale(languageToLoad); Locale.setDefault(locale); Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.locale = locale; getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(config, null); Also in the AndroidManifest.xml I have (without this entry you get "Something wrong here, didn't expect "mypackagename" to be resumed"): Here is how my screen should look like: And here is how it was looking on Motorola Milestone.

After changing the Locale from Preferences the fonts keep gettting smaller and smaller This was very annoying. So I decided to reproduce the Milestone in the emulator. After that I was able to reproduce the bug. CodeProject. Unicode. You are here: Encoding > Unicode Short URL: Mapping codepoints to Unicode encoding forms This appendix describes in detail the mappings from Unicode codepoints to the code unit sequences used in each encoding form. How do I encode...? These are questions (and the answers!) People have asked about what the encoding is for various characters in the Unicode standard. This page is also a helpful teaching tool for understanding Unicode. Symbols in Phonetic Symbol Guide 2nd edn. in relation to Unicode 5.1 Assesses the symbols listed in the Phonetic Symbol Guide, by Pullum and Ladusaw, giving mappings through Unicode 5.1, and comments on those symbols now supported in Unicode 5.1. Orthography development in relation to Unicode It is out of our scope to give complete guidelines for developing an orthography.

Understanding Unicode™ - I Unicode is a hot topic these days among computer users that work with multilingual text. Why are my quote marks backwards? Tutorials.