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Ubuntu Related. Gallery. Run Your Own Free Proxy Through the Google App Engine. Why Python? My first look at Python was an accident, and I didn't much like what I saw at the time. It was early 1997, and Mark Lutz's book Programming Python from O'Reilly & Associates had recently come out. O'Reilly books occasionally land on my doorstep, selected from among the new releases by some mysterious benefactor inside the organization using a random process I've given up trying to understand.

One of them was Programming Python. I found this somewhat interesting, as I collect computer languages. I know over two dozen general-purpose languages, write compilers and interpreters for fun, and have designed any number of special-purpose languages and markup formalisms myself. My most recently completed project, as I write this, is a special-purpose language called SNG for manipulating PNG (Portable Network Graphics) images. Perl, of course, is the 800-pound gorilla of modern scripting languages.

At that time, I had used Perl for a number of small projects. That's certainly how I felt.

Myth of Firewall

Setting up a proxy server at home | The Web Page of Kristopher Linquist.