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Teach Yourself to Sew - Sewing for Beginners Video Series: Tips, Techniques, Projects and More | How to Sew Your own Clothes,  How to Make your Own Clothing, Lessons in Sewing Clothes. A Message for the Beginner Seamstress and Fashion Designer Sewing your own clothes can be anything from pajamas to your own winter coat. If you are just starting out, I would suggest that you start with a simple pair of shorts or pants that have an elastic waistband. Have fun sketching your clothing line too. Remember to include accessories: hats, purses, belts, scarves, etc... As you begin to sew more clothes and you become more experienced, than you can go onto more difficult projects. If you are buying your patterns at a local fabric store, try and find ones that say "Very Easy", "Make in a jiffy" or "Simple to make".

This is important because you don't want to get frustrated and not enjoy sewing any more because you bought to difficult of a pattern. The basic rule for buying patterns for beginner sewers is; buy ones that have elastic for the waist band or just pull over tops and pjs . Vintage Fashion Library - Vintage Fashion Library. Pattern Runway. A Few Threads Loose. Make This Look. BurdaStyle.