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Hii we are Indus valley Family and we believe in nature to take care of your skin , face and hair color. Look Our vailed range of Organic face ,skin and Hair color products and care yourself naturally. website:-

Neem Powder And Its Benefits by indusvalleyindia. Neem Powder And Its Benefits. Why Choose Organic Beauty Products? The mainstream beauty industry is quite toxic.

Neem Powder And Its Benefits. Why Choose Organic Beauty Products?

Why use products that are not harmful to your skin? Choosing organic beauty products are a great way to go green and healthy. Ammonia-Free Hair Color provides you with the ultimate in hair colouring delight. The use of numerous cosmetic products has reached a new high point.

Ammonia-Free Hair Color provides you with the ultimate in hair colouring delight

Chemical products have been more popular in the twenty-first century than any herbal product. Many people have developed various illnesses as a result of consuming those products because of that need and crave for quicker results. Hair is extremely important to every human being. Essential Oils : Benefits of Indus Valley Essential Oils and Do They Work ? – Ctrlr. I’m Sure You Didn’t Know the benefits of Coconut oil. One of the most prevalent concerns we encounter today is — dry, frizzy hair.

I’m Sure You Didn’t Know the benefits of Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a pressed oil made from coconuts, as one of the most important therapies for overcoming hair related problems. It is regarded as one of the best oils for hair treatment. It has antibacterial and moisturising qualities that have resulted in increasing popularity of the same as hair oil. 5 Miraculous Beauty Benefits of Orange Peel Powder. Why follow an organic beauty care routine? Indus Valley — FENUGREEK POWDER FOR SOFT AND SILKY HAIR. Top 3 Reasons To Choose Organic Hair Color. Why is Skin Exfoliation Necessary For Men? Face scrub commercials are frequently seen on television.

Why is Skin Exfoliation Necessary For Men?

What often makes one curious is how a scrub is different from a face wash, in terms of its functionality and constituents? The major difference between a scrub and face wash is in the terms of “exfoliation.” Exfoliation is the act of eliminating dead skin cells that have accumulated on our skin’s top layer. Even the face washes that contain extremely efficient ingredients cannot exfoliate and deeply cleanse your skin to purify it. And that’s the reason why one needs to use a face scrub regularly. Best & Easy Hair Packs For Shiny, Smooth Hair. Indus Valley — Top 9 Exclusive Uses of Coconut Oil. DIY Amla Powder Skin Care Remedi. Amla powder is a natural ingredient and… Amla powder is a natural ingredient and it’s so effective when it comes to skin care.

DIY Amla Powder Skin Care Remedi. Amla powder is a natural ingredient and…

Apart from being used as a food ingredient, it has many benefits like skin smoothing and glowing. Amla can have a versatile role and application, when used in skin care and beauty regimes for pampering your skin, like — it can be mixed into a paste to remove excess oil from the skin, helps keep the skin hydrated, and can also be used as a natural exfoliant. Indus Valley Bio-Organic Amla Powder is a wonder beauty product having crucial roles to play in various DIY beauty remedies. WINTER HAIR CARE TIPS. Winter is a very challenging season for hair and skin.


Cracked heels, dry, flaky skin, and a parched face grabs your attention with its urge to get moisturised or healed with nourishment. While we pay close attention to our skin, we often overlook the importance of our hair. As a result, our hair texture continues to deteriorate. It gets frizzy, itchy, and dried, while often encountering dandruff as well. Shikakai— A Well-Conditioning Herb.

KNOW HOW NEEM BENEFITS YOUR SKIN AND HAIR. Neem has been prized for its antibacterial and therapeutic properties since ancient times.


Neem leaf extracts are being employed in ayurveda and homoeopathic medicines. Neem leaf is extremely beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, blood purification, skin infections, scalp problems, and many other ailments. 100% Organic Soft Black Hair Colour & Spa with Essential Oils. Indus Valley 100% Organic Hair Colour & Spa with Essential Oils is especially made for both hair colouring as well as for early grey hair defence.

100% Organic Soft Black Hair Colour & Spa with Essential Oils

It is an ideal hair colour for people who have just started experiencing their initial greys. 100% Organic Hair Colour perfectly covers grey hair up to 20%. It is a super-exotic, all-natural solution that delicately deposits the colour as a coating outside the hair shaft, without stripping it off its natural colour. And since it is completely organic, it only darkens the hair and does not lighten it up. You can enjoy 27 shades of Indus Valley 100% Organic Hair Colour & Spa with Essential Oils outside India, but only 4 in India because of the black hair colour common to Indians. Indus Valley Aloe Vera Gel. Buy Organic Shikakai Fruit Powder for Skin, Hair Care. Enhance Your Hair Health Without Any Chemical Treatment. Indus Valley — Ayurvedic Touch In Your Regular Beauty Care... Top 3 Benefits of Orange Peel. Oranges were first mentioned in Chinese… Oranges were first mentioned in Chinese literature around 314 BC, and were thought to be endemic to Asia’s tropical regions.

Top 3 Benefits of Orange Peel. Oranges were first mentioned in Chinese…

It later spread throughout the world. This citrus fruit is high in vitamin C and is considered one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Although both the pulp and the peel of this fruit are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, Bio-Organic Orange Peel Powder has brought its unique position in the daily skincare and hair care routine. Enhances The Skin Glow: The vitamin C content of Orange Peel Powder is extremely high. Color Your Hair Without Harming Its Quality. How Hibiscus Enhances Beauty? Best Charcoal Scrub For Men in India. Are you looking for the best face scrub for men in India?

Best Charcoal Scrub For Men in India

Why not opt for one that is certified organic and contains activated charcoal? What about a face cleanse that has been exclusively developed for males and has no side effects or allergies? A Hair Color That Covers Small Area Greys? Irritated by those pesky greys? Is it possible that those grey strands just appeared out of nowhere to ruin your fashion statement? Are you concerned about what to do about those annoying greys? Top Benefits of Coconut Oil for Beauty Enhancement. Coconut is the only species of the genus Cocus belonging to the Arecaceae family. Coconut is used for various purposes, including food and cosmetics. When the coconut ripens, we extract the oil for a wide range of applications in cosmetics. It's a natural and affordable oil with huge, impressive results when used as a beauty product. Using best coconut oil for skin as a cosmetic product in the winter is incredibly beneficial.

Top 5 Massages. Organic Hair Color: 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose It. What does 100% Organic Hair Color mean? A 100% organic hair color is one that does not contain any chemicals at all. The only ingredient in the product will be natural herbs, minerals or extracts of plant origin. All ingredients are listed on the package. Secrets for Maintaining Healthy Hair Revealed!!

Want to know the secret to healthy and shiny hair? All things considered, there is nothing difficult with these secret hair care tips that would definitely lead you to healthier, shinier, and voluminous hair, that too at the solace of your home. The Secret Tips Secret tips are nothing but a part of your casual daily routine requiring slight changes in the care routine, such as deciding to go for a organic hair color that is totally natural to put it exactly. Here are the top five secret tips to get you lovely braids of astonishing volume. Ditch the Chemical Hair Products: First and foremost, it is necessary that you say a big No to any sort of chemical hair care products, be it oils or shampoos for them being high on chemicals often affect your hair adversely. How to Choose the Right Hair Color for Highlighted Hair? In case you’re dicey with making a decision for definitive hair coloring try attempting with some regular arrangements.

From light blonde clear styles to pitch dark tones, there are so many organic hair colors for highlighted hair to compliment any face shape and hair surface. Your complexion is one of the significant factors to consider prior to coloring your hair. How to dye your hair like a pro at home. Organic Hair Color: 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose It. How to use organic aloe vera gel. Buy Organic and Natural Aloe Vera Gel for Skin and Hair. Bio-Organic AloeVera Gel 50ml. Do you know how Rosemary essential oil can enhance your wellbeing? What is Rosemary Essential Oil? Did you know this while purchasing your last deodorant?