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Visionary Leader who was Most Liked by People - Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi was one of the most popular Prime Minister India has seen.

Visionary Leader who was Most Liked by People - Indira Gandhi

Her ability to be able to take a tough stance on situations and help the country pull itself out of trouble multiple times has helped ignite her popularity over the years. She is respected by almost all divisions of the Indian political sphere. From her time in information broadcasting minister she was regarded as one of the best leaders, India could see.

Her entry to the political system happened unofficially when she helped her father (Jawaharlal Nehru) with hosting Delegates and important people from other foreign nations. Being such a young and pragmatic woman she was seen by the masses as the most suitable person. After working in the ministry she was taken to be the best candidate who had a pan India appeal to fill in the post of Prime Minister after Lal Bahadur Shastri. “Even if I die for the services of the nation, I shall be proud of it. Like this: Indira Gandhi - Best Prime Minister with Massive Followers. Indira Gandhi is one of the best Prime Ministers, India has seen and first woman prime minister of the country.

Indira Gandhi - Best Prime Minister with Massive Followers

Her coming to power and forming the government while being one of the most popular leaders is known by everyone. INDIRAJI FOUGHT FOR HER PRINCIPLES, AGAINST VESTED INTERESTS & AGENDAS: SONIA Gandhi Ji. NEW DELHI: Being the Iron Lady was just one of the elements of late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s character who fought not for personal ascendancy but for her principles, against vested interests and agendas, Congress president Sonia Gandhi said on Sunday.


Speaking at the inauguration of a photo exhibition on life of Indira Gandhi, to mark celebrations of her birth centenary, Ms Gandhi said, ”Iron was only one of the elements in her (Indira Gandhi ) character; generosity and humanity were just as prominent traits. She fought, yes — but not for personal ascendancy. She fought for her principles, against vested interests and agendas. She could not tolerate any form of bullying, coercion and unfairness — that was fundamental to her character. That is what inspired her in all her battles ? ”She fought for secularism, against all those forces seeking to divide the Indian people on lines of religion and caste. The exhibition will be available to the public from November 21. Milestones in Indira Gandhi's life. Smt. Indira Gandhi visits the army camp at Leh, India.

Turning point in the Life of Indira Gandhi. The Indira Gandhi Memorial- Reliving Her Memory. Indira Gandhi Biography - The Iron lady of India. Bank Nationalisation by Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi Life of Courage. To read more quotes from Indira G… The Races and Languages of Mankind. We cannot say in what part of the world man first came into existence, nor do we know where the first human settlements were.

The Races and Languages of Mankind

Perhaps men came into existence in several parts at more or less the same time. It is likely, however, that when the great glaciers of the Ice Age were melting away and going back towards the north, men lived in the warmer regions. When the ice went, there must have been vast steppes, something like the tundras which we have in Siberia now. These must have become grasslands, and men must have wandered about them as they wanted grass for their cattle. These people who have no fixed place to live in and are always wandering about are called 'nomads'. People must have settled down near great rivers, for the land near the rivers was very rich and good for agriculture.

In India, the earliest race about which we know anything is the Dravidian race. In those early days, a new race was developing in Central and Western Asia and in Eastern Europe. Indira Gandhi Philosophy. Indira Gandhi Iron Lady. Indira Gandhi Memorial Events. Letters by Jawaharlal Nehru to Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi Memorial Events. Letters by Jawaharlal Nehru to Indira Gandhi. Quotes by Indira Gandhi. Remembering Motilal Nehru ji. Remembering Motilal Nehru ji. Quotes by Indira Gandhi. The Pursuit of Self Reliance. Indira Gandhi elected as Congress President.

On Woman - Speeches by Indira Gandhi. We must concern ourselves not only with the kind of world we want but also with what kind of a man should inhabit it.

On Woman - Speeches by Indira Gandhi

Surely we do not desire a society divided into those who condition and those who are conditioned. And in this perspective, women may have a special role to play. It has often been said that the level of any society should be judged by the level of its women. It is certainly true that a country's progress can be measured by the progress of its womenfolk.

But we have to think carefully about the meaning of ' progress. " Women should have equality in wages and such matters. 1971 War - The Speeches by Indira Gandhi. In September 1971 I visited Moscow and then in October I undertook a three-week official tour of European countries to tell people there, that if they had any influence on the Pakistanis, they should try and get them to act more reasonably.

1971 War - The Speeches by Indira Gandhi

It is then that I met Mairaux again. He was a very remarkable man and delightful to talk to. We discussed so ma Lim then and even later when he came to India, he was not at all well , but for a man of his age and health, his enthusiasm and his passionate feeling for freedom, were something which one should associate with youth. And that he did not just talk about it but he wanted to be brave, and wanted to do something, however small, made a deep impression on me. I had no doubt in my mind that the Bangladeshis would win their freedom.

Intellectuals and so on, were being singled out, and after the war, a large number of them were massacred. Press Reports of the Time. It is interesting to recall how the press in India and abroad reported this most eventful day: Mrs.

Press Reports of the Time

Gandhi is the second woman in history to hold the office of Prime Minister. The first was Mrs. Sirimavo Bandarnaike of Ceylon. "As Mrs. Gandhi left the hall of Parliament building where the election had taken place, crowds showered her with flower petals. The India of my Dreams. AS FOR THE FUTURE OF INDIA, WHAT IS THE POINT IN prophetizing.

The India of my Dreams

We all s have ideas about our children; some arents do all they can to force their children to develop in a particular way. But they cannot.' This also applies to one's country. No matter what one wants and what one does for it, it develops in its own way. Speeches by Indira Gandhi. What a world of difference there is between hearing and seeing from the outside and the actual experience.

Speeches by Indira Gandhi

No one who has not been in prison for any length of time can ever visualize the numbness of spirit that can creep over one when, as Oscar Wilde writes: "Each day is like a year, a year whose days are long. " When day after day is wrapped in sameness, spite and deliberate humiliation. As Pethick-Lawrence said: "The essential fact in the life of the prisoner is that he takes on a subhuman status. Herded together like animals, devoid of dignity of privacy, debarred not only from outside company or news but from all beauty and colour, softness and grace, the ground, the walls, everything around us was mud coloured and so became our jail-washed clothes.

Even our food tasted gritty. Riots Delhi Saving Man Incident. I was highly suspicious.

Riots Delhi Saving Man Incident

I didn't know what was happening. Finally, when I got through to Feroze, who was with my father, he said: "Well, apart from everything else we haven't got much to eat and you can't bring the children. " I said: "l shall bring lots of potatoes and everybody can live on potatoes. He said that the situation was dangerous. Early Politics & Vanar Sena. I can’t remember the date, but Mridula Sarabhai, a congresswoman and a family friend, told me that I was only about 7, 8 or 9, when I formed the children’s spinning group.

I had asked Gandhiji how I could contribute to our struggle, and he suggested it. It was called Bal-Charkha Sangh and was in fact a children's section of the Gandhi Charkha Sangh, an organisation for hand-spinning; but so far as I can remember we didn't have charkhas, we had taklis. Until quite recently in fact, I still had a horribly thick handkerchief which I had spun and woven myself, and then sewn up afterwards. But now it is lost. Then, of course, I was much more involved in the 1930 movement, because I was old enough to understand what It was all about. In the Monkey Brigade, we also had our own meetmgs and processions. Famous & Historic speeches by Indira Gandhi to Adhere To! I can’t remember the date, but Mridula Sarabhai, a congresswoman and a family friend, told me that I was only about 7, 8 or 9, when I formed the children’s spinning group. I had asked Gandhiji how I could contribute to our struggle, and he suggested it.

It was called Bal-Charkha Sangh and was in fact a children's section of the Gandhi Charkha Sangh, an organisation for hand-spinning; but so far as I can remember we didn't have charkhas, we had taklis. Until quite recently in fact, I still had a horribly thick handkerchief which I had spun and woven myself, and then sewn up afterwards. But now it is lost. Then, of course, I was much more involved in the 1930 movement, because I was old enough to understand what It was all about. In the Monkey Brigade, we also had our own meetmgs and processions. Famous & Historic speeches by Indira Gandhi to Adhere To! The Ramayna and the Mahabharta.

After the Vedic Age in India, when the Vedas were written, came what is called the Epic Age. It is called the Epic Age because two great epics, that is long poems telling us the stories of great heroes, were written then. These two books were the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, which you know. During the Epic Age, the Aryans had spread out all over Northern India up to the Vindhya mountains.

All this land was called 'Aryavarta', as I have told you. The Aryans come to India. I hope you do not find my account of the old tribes and their patriarchs very dull. I told you in my last letter that everything in those days belonged to the whole tribe and not to each member separately. Even the patriarch had nothing special to himself. As a member of the tribe, he could only have a share like any other member.

What were the Aryans in India Like? The Aryans must have come to India five or six thousand years ago, or perhaps even more. Of course they did not all come in a bunch. Army after army, tribe after tribe, family after family, must have come for hundreds of years. Imagine them travelling in long caravans with all their household goods laden on carts or on the backs of animals. They did not come as tourists do nowadays. There was no going back for them. Fossils and Ruins. I have not written to you for a long time. In my last two letters, we were looking back on ancient periods which we have been considering in our letters.

I sent you some picture postcards of fossil fishes to give you some idea of what these fossils were like. In Mussoorie, when we met, I showed you pictures of other fossils. A Look Back. Are you not quite tired of my letters! I think you deserve a rest. Well, I shall not write to you anything new for some time. I want you just to think about what we have already done. Kings and Temples and Priests. We saw in our last letter that five different classes were formed. Different classes of people. Languages, Writing and Numerals. Sea Vayages and trade. China and India. The Early Civilizations. The Patriarch Become the King. The old patriarch has taken up a lot of our time, has he not? We shall finish with him soon, or rather he will change his name. I started by promising to tell you how kings came and what they were. And in order to understand kings one has to go right back to the patriarchs.

You must have guessed that these patriarchs became later on kings or raja and maharaja. The word patriarch comes from the Latin 'Pater' or father. When thS patriarch's office became hereditary, that is son succeeded father, there was little difference between him and a king. Later on, you will see when you read history that kings became so conceited that they thought that the people had nothing to do with choosing them. So kings have had their day and most countries have no kings. In England, as you know, there is still a king, but he has no power. The Partiarch - How He Developed. Egypt and Crete. The Great Cities of the Ancient World. The Patriarch – How He Began. The changes Brought about by Agriculture. Indira Gandhi — Living in Harmony. Indira Gandhi — Living in Harmony. Indira Gandhi — Rare Pictures of Indira Gandhi. Living in harmony. The Formation of Tribes. What is Civilization? The Relationships of Languages. The Races and Languages of Mankind.

Newscast. Newscast. How Different Races were Formed. The Indira Gandhi Memorial- Reliving Her Memory. The Making of the Earth. Rare Letters by Indira Gandhi. Newscast. Newscast. Garibi Hatao Programme by Indira Gandhi. About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. Indira Gandhi Elected as Congress President. About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. The Indira Gandhi Memorial- Reliving Her Memory. About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India.

About Indira Gandhi- Indira's Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. Newscast. Newscast. Newscast. Events. Famous & Historic speeches by Indira Gandhi to Adhere To! Green Revolution in India by Indira Gandhi. Newscast. Indira's Achievements- Achievements from the Life of Iron Lady’s Life. Environmental Program by Indira Gandhi. The Liberation of Bangladesh - 1971 India-Pakistan War. Space Liberation Programme by Indira Gandhi. Bank Nationalisation in India by Indira Gandhi. Quotes by Indira Gandhi, Indira Gandhi Quotes, Famous Quotes by Indira Gandhi. About Indira Gandhi- Indira’s Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. The Indira Gandhi Memorial- Reliving Her Memory. Quotes by Indira Gandhi - The Iron Lady of India. A Short Biography of Indira Gandhi by Indira Gandhi.

Nuclear Programme of India by Indira Gandhi. All About The Green Revolution By Indira : Impacts and Path Ahead: Green Revolution by Indira Gandhi - The Iron lady of India. Indira Gandhi Biography - The Iron lady of India. Indira’s letter, Rare Letters by Indira Gandhi. About Indira Gandhi- Indira’s Struggle, Political Career & Contribution towards India. National Integration Day by Indira Gandhi.