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Backbone.js Screencast - Introduction and Views => joey beninghove. An introduction to JSDoc. Update 2011-08-19.Tweet from JSDoc’s creator, Michael Mathews: Awesome article about JSDoc. I learned (er remembered) a few things from reading it myself! Via @rauschma JSDoc is the de facto standard for documenting JavaScript code. You need to know at least its syntax (which is also used by many other tools) if you publish code. Alas, documentation is still scarce, but this post can help – it shows you how to run JSDoc and how its syntax works. As a tool, JSDoc takes JavaScript code with special /** */ comments and produces HTML documentation for it. The generated HTML looks as follows in a web browser: This post begins with a quick start, so can try out JSDoc immediately if you are impatient. 1. For the steps described below, you need to have Java installed.

$HOME/doc ├── files.html ├── index.html └── symbols ├── _global_.html ├── src │ └── util.js.html └── util.html 2. Templates. 2.1. 2.2. Let’s review the comment shown at the beginning: 2.3. 3. 4. 5. DHTMLX Touch (Alpha) – Web Framework for Mobile & Touch Devices. Accordion v2.0 Demo. Prototype.js : Form. This is the first post of many about the Prototype AJAX library.

For me it fills the same void that commons-lang fills in Java, which is that it includes functions to perform the common tasks that you seem to do over and over again. In this post I will cover the Form object, and all of it's methods. This post, and all posts about the Prototype library will be broken down into two sections, a summary of the API followed by detailed descriptions and examples of each function. API Summary void Form.disable(form)void Form.enable(form)void Form.focusFirstElement(form)HTMLElement[] Form.getElements(form)HTMLInputElement[] Form.getInputs(form, typeName, name)void Form.reset(form)String Form.serialize(form) API Details Form.disable(form) Params:form - The ID attribute of the form tag, or a reference to the form DOM element. Returns:Nothing. Given a form ID or reference to a form element, will disable all fields, which will make them appear as greyed out. Form.enable(form) Form.focusFirstElement(form)

Article : Ajax in Prototype. Excerpted from Professional Ajax 2nd Edition by Nicholas C. Zakas With the popularity of Ajax applications exploding in 2005, developers and companies began looking for ways to streamline the process. As with many common programming practices, Ajax involves a lot of repetitive procedures that can be identified and simplified for common use. It wasn't long before JavaScript developers started introducing libraries to ease the redundant and sometimes quirky behavior of Ajax communication techniques. These libraries sought to break outside of the hidden frame and XHR modalities of communication and introduce their own methods (which typically are just wrappers for already accepted forms of Ajax communication).

Remember, the goals of such libraries are to free the developer from worrying about cross-browser Ajax issues by hiding the details. Prototype It is beyond the scope of this article to fully explore all of Prototype's features, so the focus here is on its Ajax capabilities. Other Events.