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Experiments « kraftner | Thomas Kräftner. Hello WordCamp Europe, I’m Thomas. I really like the idea of an introductory post for a conference so I’ve blatantly stolen it from Jeremy Felt, Rhys Wynne, Nuno Morgadinho and Daniel Koskinen. Hi everybody. My name is Thomas and I live and work in Vienna, Austria. I am a freelance developer currently mainly working with WordPress. I’ve been using wordpress […] Weiterlesen Responsive Dividers (including Sass Mixins) Ever wondered how to achieve row dividers in a fully fluid multi-row grid layout that support variable element height and count? Weiterlesen WOHNENlive on Open Government Data The WOHNENlive Magazine recently published a short article about Open Government Data, which also covered my Infrastructure Visualization.

Weiterlesen Open Government Data Wien – First Thoughts Open Data Initiatives have been blooming all over the world recently starting from the US and Great Britain. Weiterlesen wins CCA Award Weiterlesen Making of Push Snowboarding Data-Vis Weiterlesen Weiterlesen. The HYPE Framework. Generator.X blog » Generative art. Generator.x 3.0: From Code to Atoms (slideshow of “gx30″ tag on Flickr) Generator.x 3.0: From Code to Atoms Feb 18-26, 2012 at iMal, Br The Generator.x 3.0: From Code to Atoms workshop at iMAL, Brussels culminated last Friday in an exhibition of works created during the week.

As expected there is a wide range of works and expressions, from Makerbot’ted data sculptures (Frederik Vanhoutte, Andrej Boleslavsky, Katerina Konstantopoulos + Erato Choli) to distorted 3D scanned objects (Matthew Plummer-Fernandez) and parametric paper folding (Julien Deswaef). For a complete overview of the workshop and its results, take a look at the Flickr tag “GX30″ which currently covers over 1000 uploads. In conclusion: Like Generator.x 2.0 before it, Generator.x 3.0 proved that the combination of generative strategies with digital fabrication continues to be a fruitful field for creative inquiry. The people of Generator.x 3.0: Feb 24/1202:37 TAGS: No Tags.

Joshua Davis. Joshua Davis | Studios.