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Meta Tags Explained. Over the years, Meta tags have become quite misunderstood and are often used incorrectly on the Internet.

Meta Tags Explained

This document will provide a brief explanation and breakdown of the most widely used Meta tags, as well as recommendations regarding the ones you should or shouldn't use for your website. Done correctly, Meta tags can be a valuable onsite optimization tool and can have a positive effect of conversion rates. What are Meta tags? We are asked this question all the time. Meta tags are snippets of informational code that have been located between your <HEAD></HEAD> tags that are a part of the HTML document you've generated. There are two known styles/attributes that you'll see for Meta tags. 1. In the mid 90s, Meta tags were developed to assist with the rapid growth of web pages. SEO Mistakes 02. Article MetaData Question: Difference Keywords and Robot. Yahoo Provides NOYDIR Opt-Out Of Yahoo Directory Titles & Descriptions. Yahoo!

Search Support for ‘NOYDIR’ Meta Tags and Weather Update from the Yahoo Search Blog covers how at long last, you can now tell Yahoo to not use Yahoo Directory information to make a title and/or description for your web page listings. It also cover how Yahoo’s currently doing a reindexing change that might impact rankings. More on that below, plus tips about also blocking the Open Directory information from being used for your pages and some possible conflicts with multiple robots tags. Sometimes pages are listed in both Yahoo’s crawler-based search results and within its human-compiled directory, the Yahoo Directory. In those cases, Yahoo usually replaces the title and description of a web page in the crawler-based results with the information from the Yahoo Directory.

Now this has changed. Knowles, Tony (D) Democratic candidate from Alaska for U.S. So when you search for him in Yahoo web search service like this – tony knowles — his listing comes up as so: Meta element. Meta elements are tags used in HTML or XHTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page. They are part of a web page's head section. Multiple Meta elements with different attributes can be used on the same page. Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements and attributes. The meta element has two uses: either to emulate the use of an HTTP response header, or to embed additional metadata within the HTML document.

With HTML up to and including HTML 4.01 and XHTML, there were four valid attributes: content, http-equiv, name and scheme. Such elements must be placed as tags in the head section of an HTML or XHTML document. [edit] In one form, meta elements can specify HTTP headers which should be sent before the actual content when the HTML page is served from Web server to client. Meta tags can be used to indicate the location a business serves: [edit] The keywords attribute[edit] NOODP[edit] Search Engine Ranking Factors. Anchor text. Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink.

Anchor text

In modern browsers, it is often blue and underlined, such as this link to the moz homepage Code Sample <a href=" Anchor Text</a> Optimal Format SEO-friendly anchor text is succinct and relevant to the target page. What is Anchor Text? Anchor text is the visible characters and words that hyperlinks display when linking to another document or location on the web. Search engines use this text to help determine the subject matter of the linked-to document.

In the example above, "Jon Wye's Custom Designed Belts" would be the anchor text of this link. SEO Best Practice As search engines have matured, they have started identifying more metrics for determining rankings. This is most easily understood with an example. When she writes the blog post and links to the article, she gets to choose the anchor text for the link pointing at the article. This human–powered information is essential to modern-day search engines. Key Points: <a href=".. 12 Secrets for Great SEO for Your Official Facebook Page. SEO Googles Bounce Rate from SEO Google's Bounce Rate from