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Typographer's Glossary. 10 Stunning Images of Futuristic Architecture. Technology I have always been fascinated by futuristic architecture and seeing as it’s the weekend I was browsing around checking out some amazing designs today.

10 Stunning Images of Futuristic Architecture

I have picked out my favorite ten for your perusal – as a bit of a respite from text-heavy lists. So here you go – ten of the most amazing futuristic buildings – some which are actually in the process of being built or will be built. Click the images to see a larger version and tell us which one you like the most in the comments. The Khan Shatyr is already a reality! Nuragic & Contemporary Art Museum The Nuragic and Contemporary Art Museum in Cagliari, Italy, ran a competition for the design of their new building. 5 Works of Legitimate Mad Science Passed Off as Art. Nobody loves bullshit more than the art world, and nobody tolerates bullshit less than the world of science, so when the two do meet it should be a knock down brawl to the death.

5 Works of Legitimate Mad Science Passed Off as Art

That's just not always the case: Sometimes they get along quite well. Sometimes they even improve one another. Sometimes when they get together, they make sweet, sweet love. Design. Art. Oobject - Daily User Ranked Lists. Envisioning Disney Characters in "Real Life" on the Behance Network. 5 Works of Art That Can Probably Kill You. Most Fine Arts majors will tell you, while serving your Double-Tall Latte, that all true artwork is dangerous.

5 Works of Art That Can Probably Kill You

What they will not tell you, however, is that in some cases it could also win a war single-handedly. The definition of what constitutes art now apparently contains giant roving robots, terrifying autonomous skeletons and flaming metal snakes. These five pieces of art may sound awesome, until they're killing you and everyone you love.

3D Art

The history of the paper clip: It was invented in 1899. It hasn’t been improved upon since. Getty Images/BananaStock via Thinkstock.

The history of the paper clip: It was invented in 1899. It hasn’t been improved upon since

The paper clip is something of a fetish object in design circles. Its spare, machined aesthetic and its inexpensive ubiquity landed it a spot in MoMA’s 2004 show Humble Masterpieces. This was a pedestal too high for design critic Michael Bierut, who responded with an essay called “To Hell with the Simple Paper Clip.” He argued that designers praise supposedly unauthored objects like the paper clip because they’re loath to choose between giving publicity to a competitor and egotistically touting their own designs. Bierut might be right about his colleagues’ motives, but he’s wrong about the paper clip: It’s not all that simple. Most everyday objects—like the key, or the book, or the phone—evolve over time in incremental ways, and the 20th century in particular revolutionized, streamlined, or technologized the vast majority of the things you hold in your hand over the course of an average day.

This sculptor builds incredible dead sea monsters trapped on land. The Whale: Ahhh!

This sculptor builds incredible dead sea monsters trapped on land

Woooh! What's happening? Who am I? Wooden Train Dining Table Redefines Playing With Your Food. Always Be Gaming: A Stylish Donkey Kong-Inspired Shelving Unit for Your Home. All the Private Space You’ll Ever Need, In One Little Box. Everyone needs (or demands) their own bit of defensible space.

All the Private Space You’ll Ever Need, In One Little Box

In an increasingly urbanizing world with living conditions becoming ever more dense, that space may not amount to much. Still, the diminutive dimensions of this private cloister (the smaller, the better, says the "good" urbanist) need not be boring, nor spatially simplistic. Stunning Aquarium Bed Redefines Sleeping With the Fishes. These Cthulhu LEGO sets will drive you insane with little plastic bricks. Mind-Bending Body Painting Work by Craig Tracy. By ibby Tue, 07/17/2012 - 03:11 Craig Tracy, a New Orleans native, has been a professional artist since the age of sixteen.

Mind-Bending Body Painting Work by Craig Tracy

Never satisfied with conventional contemporary art, Craig was always searching for a form of expression that would amplify his unique creative perspective eventually leading him to take his expertise in bodypainting into the realm of fine art. His work encompasses a bevy of techniques from traditional paintbrush for the majority of the work mixed with airbrush, finger-painting, sponging, splatter and dripping as part of the process as well.

Often inspired by a specific body's shape or perhaps a unique pose, Craig takes inspiration from daily doses of culture, nature and intellectual constructs. We hope you have as much fun as we did in trying to decipher the living from the faux in this visually stunning gallery. Craig Tracy Body Painting Gallery - Behind the Scenes. Sculpture. Paper art. Clockwork love paper - Tjep. - Think, amaze. Clockwork Love builds further on the Bling Bling pendant designed by Tjep. for Chi Ha Paura...?

Clockwork love paper - Tjep. - Think, amaze.

Launched in 2002, it was constructed from several layers of overlapping logos. Water art. Liquid Sculptures By Shinichi Maruyama. Fictional Landscapes. Colossal has seen its fair share of commendable book and paper work the last few weeks, but this was too good to pass up.

Fictional Landscapes

UK-based artist Kyle Kirkpatrick constructs these wonderfully tiny dioramas using the topographies of carved books. Via the artist: My practice is primarily concerned with the notion of the imagined landscape. I present man-made objects and natural materials simultaneously to form carefully and meticulously composed installation works. Breathtaking landscapes and monuments carved from books.


Secret Passageways, Origami Sculptures, and More. Origami Resources. Design. Art, being gifted, choice and discipline. Modern Expression. Street art. Optical illusions. Watch a 99-year-old Polish war memorial transform into a giant starship engine. This Clever Pot Waters Itself. Harvard Scientists Make Graphic Designers Look Lazy by Using DNA to Create a New Font. Architecture. 9 utopian architectural projects.

This Chinese Culture Center Looks Like It's About to Blow Away. BLDGBLOG. S Most Beautiful Buildings. These are the world’s most beautiful buildings?

s Most Beautiful Buildings

Here's How to Blow Up Websites You Don't Like with Bombs. Superheroes grace the covers of Life Magazine. Hydro-Electro-Musical Machinery. [Image: Flow]. A floating tidemill on the UK's River Tyne has been filled with "electro-acoustic musical machinery," powered by the river itself. The building, a collaboration between Owl Project and Ed Carter, called Flow, is "a floating building on the River Tyne that generates its own power using a tidal water wheel.

" The acoustic machines inside, powered by CNC-milled wooden gears and timber pistons, "respond directly to the ever-changing state of the river. The sounds created by each instrument can also be manipulated by visitors to the millhouse. " [Images: Flow]. Specifically, the floating auditorium includes "three inter-connected sonic instruments which mix traditional craft and digital innovation.

Finally, "Owl Project has designed a series of Log interfaces to alter the sounds the instruments make," literal pieces of wood with knobs and levers that produce acoustic special effects. Gavin Rothery Blog - Soviet Space propoganda. Mountains of Books Become Mountains. New Software System for Realistically Adding Objects Into Photos. ART DIRECTION: INSTRUMENTS FROM INSIDE on the Behance Network. Man Walks All Day to Create Spectacular Snow Patterns. Artist Simon Beck must really love the cold weather! Along the frozen lakes of Savoie, France, he spends days plodding through the snow in raquettes (snowshoes), creating these sensational patterns of snow art.

Working for 5-9 hours a day, each final piece is typically the size of three soccer fields! The geometric forms range in mathematical patterns and shapes that create stunning, sometimes 3D, designs when viewed from higher levels. How long these magnificent geometric forms survive is completely dependent on the weather. Beck designs and redesigns the patterns as new snow falls, sometimes unable to finish a piece due to significant overnight accumulations.

Update: Simon Beck was named our #1 breakthrough artist in 2012. What Phones Looked Like Before And After The iPhone Transformed The Industry [Image. Logo Top 250 (1-250) CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc. Vitaly Friedman's The Web Developer's Handbook creativity | css galleries & showcases | color tools | color schemes, palettes | color patterns | fashion: colors selection | color theory | royalty free photos | css daily reading | web design daily reading | css layouts | css navigation menus | css techniques | css: software & Firefox Extensions | css-web-tools & services | html-web-tools & services | accessibility checkers | miscellaneous tools | ajax | javascript | DOM | fonts | typography | RSS | CMS | blogging | The Top 10 Web Design Skills You WILL Need! Here are my top 10 web design skills that you WILL need to master to become an effective web designer.

72 Creative And Smart Typographic Logo Inspiration. If we are starting to go crazy in typography style, then let’s continue with typographic and smart logo designs, shall we? Here you’ll find 72 beautiful logos created by talented designers. This showcase just proves the point how much can one/two words, icons tell using correctly white, negative, positive spacing, colors, accents creating interesting associations.

A guide to typography (Infographic) 20 Creative Resume Designs Which Will Amaze Any Potential Employer.

2D Art

Sabeena karnik paper+ typography. This Book Contains Every RGB Color That Exists. Star wars travel posters. 10 beautiful alternative Disney movie posters. 10 Alternative Book Covers & Film Posters. The drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. This stunning painting imagines the real sky that inspired The Starry Night. Check out some of last year's coolest science fiction and fantasy art. These incredible posters illustrate two stories with a single image.