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Lamps & Lighting. The New Dream Blog. By Lisa Mastny, June 21, 2012 at 11:44am Is it possible to create an economy that prioritizes both human well-being and Earth’s natural systems?

The New Dream Blog

Two weeks ago, I attended a gathering in rural New York of some of the leading minds and practitioners on this question, and the answer was a resounding “yes!” It’s clear that the current economic system—as well as high-level efforts to “green” this economy using the same old flawed strategies—fall far short in meeting the needs of both people and the planet.

Task management

DIY, how to, instructables etc. Simple living. Interesting websites. Turners syndrome. Administrative Assistant. Entrepreneurship. Social Awareness. DIY, Information and. Green living. Wipe Off Weekly Menu Board. I am a meal planner.

Wipe Off Weekly Menu Board

I refuse to go grocery shopping without my week’s worth of meals planned out and list made. (It’s either that or wander aimlessly around the grocery store for two hours and then make ten more trips back during the week to get things I forgot.) Once I get the groceries unloaded, I usually forget what I planned for, so I put together this super easy wipe-off menu board to keep track of what’s for dinner each night! Wipe-Off Menu Board Tutorial.

Microsoft stuff

Career. Crafts I'm interested in. Entrepreneurship 2. Gardening. Educational.