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Minify - Combines, minifies, and caches JavaScript and CSS files on demand to speed up page loads. News 2013-07-23 Minify 2.1.7 is released in response to a serious vulnerability discovered in all previous versions. You are strongly urged to follow the instructions in the report to secure your installation, and to upgrade to Minify 2.1.7. 2013-07-19 Minify 2.1.6 released. This fixes several JSMin bugs. Check the history for more details. About Minify is a PHP5 app that helps you follow several of Yahoo!

' It combines multiple CSS or Javascript files, removes unnecessary whitespace and comments, and serves them with gzip encoding and optimal client-side cache headers. Support List Minify in Use The stats above are from a brief walkthrough which shows how easy it is to set up Minify on an existing site. The design is somewhat similar to Yahoo's Combo Handler Service, except that Minify can combine any local JS/CSS files you need for your page. Minify integrated into other Projects/Plugins Features Requirements Installation See the UserGuide. Support List PHP5 Component Classes Warnings Problem Domain.

SignalR. Gzippo - A nodejs gzip middleware for connect/express.js Tom Gallacher. GZIPPO - Source Code gzippo, pronounced g-zippo and created by Tom Gallacher is a gzip NodeJS middleware for Connect / Express using node-compress for much better performace than any other connect gzip or express gzip middleware. The reason behind the performace increase is, unlike the deprecated connect gzip implemention and modules based onthis (such as connect-gzip), gzippo does not use child_process.exec to spawn a process, instead using native C++ code. gzippo can be found in the node package manager npm. Sites gzippo is current used on (that I know about) (this site =]) If you are using gzippo let me know or create a pull request and I will link you here =] Installation $ npm install gzippo Usage Static Gzip In your express/connect server setup, use as follows: Options contentTypeMatch - A regular expression tested against the Content-Type header to determine whether the response should be gzipped or not.

Prefix - A url prefix. Streaming Gzip. Shtylman. Expressjs re-routing originally published: Jan 2013 One of the most common questions I get asked when I talk about express is how I manage my routes. While I generally point out things like app.param() and other middleware tricks, I am left just saying that I don't have a great solution. Well, I am happy to say that as of express 3.0.6 I have a better answer; use the router! Maybe you don't like routers, but they do serve a purpose. If you are writing a web app or even a headless api, you can benefit from the simple separation and organization a nice router will provide.

Just think of it as a URL if statement on steroids! The typical express application looks something like this: As the number of routes you want your app to handle grows, you might find that this single file approach gets out of control (justifiably so) and move to a multi-file approach where you export handler functions. var post = require('. Instead of exporting individual functions from your routes files. And in app.js. Load a PHP extension at runtime « I learned something new today. Recently my hosting company did some upgrade to PHP and it messed up my Pritlog sites because they were using Sqlite. I had a chat with them and they could fix the issue. Later I realized that they only fixed the issue when the PHP application was running from the web. If it was from the command line (CLI), then this issue would still be there.

Upon contacting them again, they were taking a lot of time to figure out the problem and fix it. This is when I started searching for an alternative solution to this problem. I came across this PHP function called - "dl". Using this, you can dynamically load the required extension (provided it is available on your server) during runtime. Here is a simple code that can be used to load the sqlite extension. When I plugged this code into my script, it started running fine.

Zend Framework. PHP ActiveRecord - An easy to use ORM for PHP. HTML Purifier - Filter your HTML the standards-compliant way! PclZip Overview. SMS Provider | Bulk SMS Software | SMS Marketing | Mediaburst.