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WTF, HTML and CSS? Zoë | A tool for exporting SWF animations as EaselJS sprite sheets. Recent Updates Follow @CreateJS December 2013 Zoë 0.5.0 available. UI updates, changes how padding is handled, and a new 'Over Paint' feature to help with certain GPU drawing issues. September 2013 Zoë 0.4.0 available. March 2013 Zoë 0.3.5 available The Story Why we built Zoë About Zoë Zoë is an AIR application that converts SWF animations to sprite sheets.

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Welcome to TypeScript. Borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped. Soywiz/typescript-node-definitions. Server. Can I use... Ajax - How can I get browser to prompt to save password. BEM. BEM stands for Block, Element, Modifier. The meaning of these terms will be described further in the article. One of the most common examples of a methodology in programming is Object-Oriented Programming. It's a programming paradigm embodied by many languages. In some ways, BEM is similar to OOP. It's a way of describing reality in code, a range of patterns, and a way of thinking about program entities regardless of programming languages being used.

We used BEM principles to create a set of front-end development techniques and tools, that allow us to build websites quickly and maintain them over a long time. Unified Data Domain Imagine an ordinary website, like the one pictured below. While developing such a site it is useful to mark out "blocks" of which the site consists. For example, in this picture there are Head, Main Layout and Foot blocks. Giving each part of the page a name is very useful when it comes to team communication. A project manager could ask: Block ExampleSearch form block.