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100 FREE Tutorials for Learning Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a Free software available for webmasters that provide insights as to how their website or app is performing. This guide is helpful for both beginners and advanced seo professionals who wish to learn Google Analytics and improve their business ROI. Basic Tutorials Advanced Tutorials Case Studies 41- AirShowBuzz and how it increased revenue by switching over to analytics? 47- Intuit's Experience with Google Analytics Premium - 48- How PBS increased conversions and visits by 30% - 50- How Nissan Mastered GA Ecommerce - Infographics PDF Study Guides and Charts Popular Videos 71-Google Analytics in Real Life - Don't Miss These!

Do you know any other resource that should be included in the above list? 100 FREE Tutorials for Learning Google Analytics. Web Analytics Demystified. Google Analytics Resources for Beginners to Advanced Users. The Small Business Guide to Google Analytics – Simply Business. 4 Google Analytics Goal Types That Are Critical To Your Business. Tracking pageviews and visitors to see how much traffic you’re getting is incredibly important right? WRONG. Finding out if your website actually helps your business is MUCH more important.

Knowing important metrics like: LeadsTrial signupsAccount creationsNewsletter signupsWhite paper downloadsEbook downloads …are really what you should be tracking. But how do you do this with Google Analytics? Well that’s what we are going to show you today. Google Analytics doesn’t tell you how your business is doing without some additional setup. In Google Analytics, you have four ways to track goals: URLsTimePages/visitEvents Here’s a complete breakdown on how to set up your goals so you can start tracking the metrics that are critical to the success of your business.

Where to Find Google Analytics Goals To start setting up your goals: First name your goal. The “active” or “inactive” options allow you to control whether the goal is functioning. Now we have to make a choice. 1. Goal Funnels 2. 3. 4.