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Exotic Fruit (Explore FP) Welcome to Slimming World – the club with the big heart. Healthy Eating. Your body needs energy to work normally and keep you alive. You get this energy from nutrients in the food that you eat - mostly, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Minerals and vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay healthy. It is important to get the right balance between these different nutrients to get maximum health benefits (see below). Your diet should contain food from each of the following food groups: Starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.Fruit and vegetables.Milk and dairy foods.Protein foods. Fatty and sugary foods are the fifth food group that you eat. A healthy diet may help to prevent certain serious diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

As a general rule, starchy foods and fruit and vegetables should provide the bulk of most of your meals. Below, the principles of a healthy diet are explained. Eat plenty of starchy foods (complex carbohydrates) Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables NHS Choices. Lose Weight Today! Why most of us should eat fewer calories. Many of us are eating too much, and not being active enough. That’s why nearly two thirds of the adult population in England is overweight or obese.

Find out how much you should be eating, and how to cut the calories. The latest figures show that in England 65% of men and 58% of women are overweight or obese. That means many of us are eating more than we need, and need to eat less. Over time, consuming more calories than we need leads to weight gain, and carrying excess weight puts us at greater risk of a whole range of serious health problems. And it’s not just food we need to cut down on: some drinks can also be high in calories.

When we eat and drink more calories than we need, our bodies store the excess as body fat. Most adults in the UK need to lose weight, and to do this they need to eat and drink fewer calories. How much should you eat? The amount that you need to eat to maintain your body weight depends on a range of factors, including your size and how physically active you are. GDA: Home. Sunkist. Healthy eating pyramid.