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SAFE NATURAL CURES, More Than Home Remedies, & Prevention. These are natural cures that we have used ourselves or have verified with health books. They may use herbs, pure essential oils, vitamins, and/or food. They are more than home remedies, folk medicine, or old wives' tales! Natural cures are less toxic than those made from chemicals so they are better for your health and for our environment. They are also convenient since many of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen or garden, especially when emergencies come up and you can't get to a store or doctor. These natural remedies will also save you money. Swine Flu Tamiflu is an antiviral medicine that doctors can prescribe to prevent the swine flu or to shorten its duration and severity.

Is a natural antiviral medicine that is available without a prescription. Doctors may not agree to (or be allowed to) give you a prescription for Tamiflu if you or someone in your household does not already have the swine flu. Talk to your doctor before making any major change. Contains aspirin. Common Problems - What Grandma Knew - Herbal Remedies for Common Problems.


How we heal: nutritional, emotional ... Breakfast and Health. DR. ALI'S BREAKFAST Watch Dr. Ali's Breakfast There is never a valid reason for missing breakfast. So strong is my conviction on the subjects of the need and the optimal type of breakfast that I seldom complete a visit with one of my patients without addressing it. Many patients tell me they missed their breakfast because they were not hungry. During the mid-1960s, as a house surgeon in Pakistan and later in England, I seldom ate a breakfast.

A wholesome breakfast — in my view — should serve the following goals: 1. With those goals in mind, the following objectives of a breakfast seem desirable to me: 1. Below, I describe my own breakfast, which seeks to meet the above goals and objectives of an optimal breakfast. I consider missing my breakfast a violation of the sacred temple that houses my spirit — an insult to my physical frame. 1. In view of those considerations, I prepare my own breakfast (within two to three minutes) on five or six days a week as follows: 1. Conscious Healing - Lymph - Undigested Food.