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Ajax Forms with jQuery | Trevor Davis. Sep 08, 2007 There are so many different javascript frameworks out there, but I have recently started to use jQuery, and I love it. Not only is the library much smaller than others, but it is so simple to use. I wanted to show how easy it is to turn a regular form into a AJAX form. Start with a Regular Form First, I am going to build a regular form. User fills out the form. Ok, so this form is pretty simple, and doesn’t take much time to submit since it’s so short, but let’s see how much better we can make it with a little jQuery.

Add in JavaScript OK, so next, I am going to make an AJAX version, which is a duplicate of the first form. Firing My Script When the Document is Ready jQuery has a nice little function to have you script start when the document is ready: $(document).ready(function(){ //Script goes here}); OK, easy enough. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#submit").click(function(){ return false; });}); return false; });}); Error Checking Get the value of the email to address input.

Portfolio Image Rotator by Soh Tanaka.