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Script Me! (LSL script generator) English français deutsch 日本語 What is this?

Script Me! (LSL script generator)

This site will help you create scripts for your Second Life objects. These scripts allow you to add interactive elements to your builds without knowing how to code. All of the script are released under a creative commons license, which means that you can use them freely! This site tries to map the way you think into the way the LSL interpreter thinks. What do you want your scripted object to do? When do you want it to happen? Data Grids with AJAX, DHTML and JavaScript. Advertisement In order to be presented effectively, information needs structure.

Data Grids with AJAX, DHTML and JavaScript

The more intuitive data structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Consequently, the data can be scanned and extracted in a more meaningful and systematic way. Table is a perfect example of a well-structured data presentation, which is easy to analyze and easy to handle. Used for its original purpose – to present data, not to style it -, it can convey ideas effectively. Furthermore, the user experience can be greatly enhanced with further optional functionalities – such as sorting, filtering and fast editing. Few months ago we’ve covered the basics of semantically correct CSS-based tables – among other things, we’ve presented solutions for Zebra tables and few tables with sorting and filtering functionalities; but we’ve missed some important ones.

Now it’s time to get this right and list the rest – 17 free solutions for data grids, developed with AJAX, DHTML and/or JavaScript. 1. 3. AJAX scripts. DHTMLGoodies Grid A New table widget/Grid script with features such as: Column sort by clicking on Headings Drag and Drop rearrange of Columns.

AJAX scripts

Drag and Drop resize of columns Dynamically show or hide columns Display of data from remote sources (Ajax). Info and download | Demo Ajax scrolling pages FF,IE5+,Op8 This script loads content from the server and inserts it into an empty HTML element(example a DIV tag) on your page. Info and download | Demo DHTML modal dialog script This script displays a modal message at the center of the screen. Info and download | Demo Ajax tooltip FF,IE5,Op8 A nice tooltip script where the content of the tooltip is retrieved by Ajax from external files. Info and download | Demo Image crop - DHTML user interface Last updated: August, 28th 08, Resize bugfix.

This script gives you an Image crop/resize DHTML user interface. Note! Info and download | Demo Ajax dynamic list Last updated: June, 20th 06, FIxed a problem when typing in lowercase and uppercase letters. Ajax poller. Tufte Sparklines Photoshop Script. A sparkline is a small line graph designed to be used in-line within text to illustrate a time series; the concept was developed by data presentation guru Edward Tufte.

Tufte Sparklines Photoshop Script

Here’s an example: University of California 403(b) pension fund cumulative return Jan 1990-April 2004 (original data) The idea is to show, using minimal space, how a value varies over time. One advantage of sparklines’ compactness is that several can be used together to allow at-a-glance comparison between a set of time series. At Tufte’s web site there is a longer description of sparklines, with further examples, from a sample chapter of Tufte’s book, Beautiful Evidence. Sparklines can be hard to produce. Mac support and PS CS2 testing Some Mac users had reported problems with the Sparkline script not being able to open text data files. Installing the sparkline script The code of the sparkline script for Adobe Photoshop CS/CS2/CS3 is included below.

Start Photoshop (or re-start it, if it was already running).