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A Laboratory of Collaborative Learning - Advice - The Chronicle. By Thomas H.

A Laboratory of Collaborative Learning - Advice - The Chronicle

Benton When I was an undergraduate, the college library was more important to my education than anything except for my relationships with professors. But even 20 years ago, I could see that the library was underfinanced relative to the dorms and athletics facilities that seemed to draw unlimited resources. I was a commuting student, so I never really participated in the proliferating luxuries of residential college life, which seemed to constitute a separate world of privilege outside of, and even hostile to, the academic program. So the library was my home on the campus. Introducing Papers... Your personal library of science. Goes Social. I have a good excuse for dropping off the face of the biblioblogosphere for a month. Goes Social

It only took a year, but I finally got permission to go ahead with implementing what I’ve dubbed “The SOPAC” here at AADL. That would be “cute-speak” for Social OPAC. The SOPAC represents a slew of features that I’ve wanted to implement for quite some time now.