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Binary. Previous Magazine » Exclusive News About Tech, Software, Music and More. 10 Differences Between Macs and PCs" Apple has worked very hard to craft a fun and hip image for its line of Mac computers, while simultaneously portraying PCs as dull and nerdy.

10 Differences Between Macs and PCs"

This strategy played out most famously in Apple's recent advertising campaign featuring "Mac," played by the younger, hoodie-wearing Justin Long and "PC," played by the older, bespectacled John Hodgman. But is there actually any truth to these stereotypes? In April 2011, the Internet was abuzz with the results of a survey on this very topic, conducted by Hunch, a Web site that makes recommendations based on user preferences. It asked users to identify themselves as a Mac or PC person, and then questioned them about a number of self-identifying factors. The results were comically stereotypical. HPC_for_dummies. Superior Alternatives to Crappy Windows Software. Programmers.


Personal Computer (PC) Robotics.