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Reinventing Europe Through Innovation. October 2009 The President of the European Commission José Manuel Durão Barroso has released a report and a call to action to transform the EU from a knowledge society into an innovation society. The President said very convincingly, "I am passionate about innovation. It is our only means of tackling major societal challenges we face... The report of the Business Panel we set up to advise us on future innovation policy will be published today. I urge you to read it! " Diogo Vasconcelos, SIX's Chair, is also Chair of the Business Panel on Future EU Innovation Policy.

The panel was established by DG Enterprise to provide inputs from a business perspective on priorities for future EU innovation policy. Europe and Innovation - Introduction to the European Innvoation Plan In December 2008 European Council called for a European Plan for Innovation. Business Panel on Future European Innovation Policy. Social_innovation.pdf. This is European Social Innovation. Definition of Social Innovation - Industrial innovation - Enterprise and Industry. The Second European Social Innovation Competition is closed since 11 December 2013. Take a look at the best ideas selected. The Competition, launched in memory of Diogo Vasconcelos, invites Europeans to come up with new solutions to reduce unemployment and minimize its corrosive effects on the economy and our society both now and in the future.

Social innovation is not only desirable, it is necessary. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t found the right investor for your ideas yet. We can help you bring your project to life as part of our Social Innovation Academy. But there's more. Don’t keep your great ideas to yourself. Home page for the TEPSIE project. Redirecting. Wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Study-on-Social-Innovation-for-the-Bureau-of-European-Policy-Advisors-March-2010.pdf.

FP7 Information Day on Networks of Incubators for Social Innovation - Innovation Union. Home page - Innovation Union. 24 April 2014 ONE Conference Brussels 2014: Policies (R)Evolution and Every European Digital, Brussels The Future has begun. Member States and regions must lose no time in preparing the next generation of EU programmes for growth, says Commissioner Hahn after MEPs' vote on radical reform of EU Regional Policy in July 2013. The new programming period brings new investment budgets for Member States, seeking synergies between Regional Policy and Horizon 2020 in order to maximise the innovation opportunities. The ONE Conference is facilitating the joint effort of EU partners to build links between information networks and ICT Observatories for reaching ambitious common objectives of Europe 2020.

Social innovation - Industrial innovation - Enterprise and Industry. Home. La Fundación Corresponsables lanza los V Premios Corresponsables en España y Latinoamérica consolidando en esta edición el marcado carácter internacional que adquirieron en la pasada, para así conseguir una aún mayor difusión y repercusión, lo que interesará a vuestras organizaciones, tanto si están ya presentes en varios países como si lo piensan estar en el futuro. Finanziamenti - La tua Europa - Imprese. Aggiornamento 06/2015 Questo sito vi aiuta a richiedere finanziamenti che beneficiano del sostegno dell'Unione europea. Per accedere ai finanziamenti dell'UE, cliccate sul vostro paese per individuare le banche o i fondi di capitale di rischio che offrono finanziamenti con il sostegno dell'UE: Come funziona Accesso ai fondi dell'UE L'Unione europea sostiene gli imprenditori e le imprese con un'ampia gamma di programmi UE che erogano finanziamenti attraverso istituti finanziari locali.

Quali soggetti sono ammessi a beneficiare dei finanziamenti dell'UE? Sono disponibili finanziamenti per le start-up, gli imprenditori e le imprese di qualsiasi dimensione e settore. La decisione di erogare finanziamenti dell'UE è presa dagli istituti finanziari locali quali le banche, i fondi di garanzia o i fondi d'investimento. I dettagli sulle condizioni di finanziamento — importo, durata, tassi di interesse e commissioni — sono determinati da tali istituti finanziari. Il tuo diritto ad ottenere un feedback.