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Il settore culturale non conosce crisi: aumentano le imprese, i ricavi e l'occupazione. Di Giulio Bigliardi Parma, 10 luglio 2013 La Fondazione Symbola e Unioncamere hanno presentato lo scorso 25 giugno 2013 i risultati della ricerca "Io sono cultura – l'Italia della qualità e della bellezza sfida la crisi", una ricerca che puntava a valutare il valore della cultura nel nostro Paese. I dati della ricerca mostrano che la cultura frutta al nostro Paese ben il 5,4 per cento della ricchezza prodotta, equivalente a quasi 75,5 miliardi di euro, e dà lavoro a quasi un 1 milione e 400.000 persone, ovvero al 5,7% del totale degli occupati del Paese.

Nonostante le difficoltà, quindi, il sistema produttivo culturale conferma una certa capacità di reazione anticiclica. Nonostante i sacrifici imposti dall'austerity e dalla miopia di parte della classe dirigente del Paese, la cultura dimostra ancora una volta di essere uno dei motori primari della nostra crescita. Con la crescita delle unità produttive c'è stata anche la crescita dell'occupazione. (fonte: Open Téchne) ArtHub.


Gamification increases civic engagement in urban planning | CrowdCity. The nature of gaming Every one of us has the desire to play once in a while. Gaining new knowledge in a playful manner can increase engagement and spice up learning processes. The need of “playing” doesn’t end with the adulthood, at least for many of us. Moving with the times With the explosion of the mobile and Internet-enabled technologies in the last years, game playing for adults has become the norm and a new trend, called “gamification” has emerged.

A lot of us now will wonder what this new “buzzword” means. According to the Forbes magazine, gamification “[…] is about applying game-design thinking to non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging.” When gamification supports planning processes But gamification can be used for many other purposes. How to play Players have to register on the platform and face three missions. More than half of the players are under 18 Community PlanIt was already tried out in Detroit, Salem, Massachusetts and Philadelphia. Is Civindex gamification? On the project workshop session with professor Sasha Costanza-Shock, he suggested the reading of Ian Bogost texts about games and “gamification”, in the light of my final project, which aims to develop a project to create a tool to measure individual civic participation on the web, which I named Civindex.

I had never heard the expression “gamification” before, but it seemed to make sense, as there are indeed some game elements in the use of the tool, as we are attributing a score related to people’s discussions and actions related to human rights, development, environment, urban improvement and other civic activities. However, I was intrigued with Bogost’s position: “Gamification is bullshit” is his main text on the subject.

He starts from the definition of bullshit by Harry Frankfurt: “Bullshit is used to conceal, to impress or to coerce. Unlike liars, bullshitters have no use for the truth. I don’t disagree with that view. But then, that is not the objective of my project. Gamification | Ideavibes Blog. The concept of civic engagement has attracted a lot of attention over the past year, as government’s slowly realize the power created when citizens band together to make change happen. In case you are new to the term ‘gamification’, the Huffington Post article “Can Games and Gamification Fix Washington?” By Gabe Zichermann explains what it is: “Gamification is the use of game-thinking and game mechanics to solve problems and engage audiences, and is being used in fields as diverse as health care, education and advertising to create radical and profound behavior change.”

Encouraging Participation Gamification techniques are used to increase crowd engagement by encouraging participation. This fact is particularly important for governments and political leaders, as recent election results demonstrate that greater participation is needed. People like to have fun. Read Full Post » Engagement Game Lab | Play that Matters. If (urban) life is a game.