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Mollucan spinach

by in
27 april 2014

Mollucan spinach

Scrambling Gynura, Dawn Dewa, Leaves of the Gods, Mollucan spinach, Cholesterol Spinach -(Kim Thất Tai, Tiềm Vĩ Phong, Cây Trường Sanh) -Gynura procumbens, Gynura acutifolia, Gynura nepalensisThis fast-growing herb,  appears related to the Okinawan spinach, has many promising medicinal properties. The plant has been used widely in Asia as traditional medicine for treating diabetes, hypertension, high-cholesterol, rheumatism, viral ailments, and other illness. The fleshy branches can be trimmed and pinched regularly to grow as a low bush, or staked on trellis. Leaves are green. Young stems are green, turning light purple with green spots. New shoots and branches appear frequently at base and leaf nodes. Flowers are yellow.

Young leaves can be eaten fresh by itself or mixed in with salads (like lettuce or spinach). Some like it cooked with butter or in a casserole. Others prefer to have it stir-fried (just fry garlic in little oil and then sautee the leaves and young shoots in oyster sauce).

Research on its effects on blood-sugar level: on its effects on hypertension:
