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Role Of Video Ads In Fostering Your Brand Image. Boost Your Brand Influence With Guest Posting Tips. 5-Tips-for-Building-Engaging-Content-that-Connects-you-to-… 7-Different-Ways-to-Optimize-Google-My-Business-Page. 5 Tips for Building Engaging Content that Connects to your Audience. 3)Learn from your industry peers Study top publications in your field and find out what is working for your peers.

5 Tips for Building Engaging Content that Connects to your Audience

If you have a similar audience, what served them will likely help you, too. On industry publication sites, you’ll find some valuable comments and questions. People posting them can turn into your potential customers. 7 Different Ways to Optimize Google My Business Page. Ways to optimize Google My Business page Tip 1 # Create a perfect GMB profile The first step towards optimizing Google My Business page is creating an informative profile with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

7 Different Ways to Optimize Google My Business Page

Your profile must communicate what your business does, where it is, and how the users can acquire your goods and/or services. Here is a list if things that your profile must not miss out: Name:- Your business listing name must be consistent, accurate and show what’s currently listed on your website.Address:- Mark your business location precisely on GMB.Phone number:- Also include your contact details.Business category:- The category will provide an understanding of the kind of services you offer.

Tip 2# Include keywords Similar to conventional website SEO, Google uses a variety of signals to serve search results. Tip 3# Use high resolution Photos. Social Media Marketing Company in Pune. The costs for Social media marketing in India depend on various factors like the target industry, objectives to be achieved, content strategy required, number of posts and the duration of activities. This makes Social media marketing in India a customized offering as per individual requirement.

Web Hosting Companies in Pune - IKF. We provide Shared, Virtual Private Server (VPS), Dedicated Server and Server Colocation options for Hosting.

Web Hosting Companies in Pune - IKF

You can pay monthly or for 1, 2 or 3 years up front. If you decide to pre-pay, we give you some great discounts on our ongoing pricing. You can pay us via Cheque and RTGS mode. All servers that we provide carry a minimum contract. The contract period varies for different hosting options. For VPS, Dedicated and Server Colocations, we provide managed and un-managed services. Managing 100TB of web space with 200TB of data transfer per month Daily business email transaction of approx. 2500 emails / min Hosted 20000+ business email accounts Anti-Virus + Firewall, Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Plan, Back-Up System Registers 1000+ domains every year Hosted 10+ email servers at client end – Dedicated Email Solutions Hosted 3000+ emails on the Google Platform Provides Linux & Windows Web Hosting as Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Server and Dedicated Server.

Website Maintenance Services. All businesses need regular website maintenance to attract and retain customers, maintain search engine rankings and provide new information regarding products and services to the public.

Website Maintenance Services

Website maintenance is also required to maintain the value of the website over time. Yes, definitely! We can take over your AMC & maintain it at our end without hampering your current design and data. We have a dedicated team of engineers who ensure quick turnaround time for your request apart from taking care of the technical updates of the website. Yes. Tips for Optimizing your Website - Website Development and Digital Marketing Services in India. 4 Key Differences Between B2B and B2C Digital Marketing – Best Digital Marketing in Pune. B2B and B2C are two different business models that adopt varied marketing strategies to target their audiences.

4 Key Differences Between B2B and B2C Digital Marketing – Best Digital Marketing in Pune

While there are some overlaps in their promotional campaigns, the key differences have the potential to make or break the entire marketing campaign. Undeniably today it’s digital marketing that is transforming businesses. 4 Benefits of Paid Ads on Google. Every business today is focused on creating the best marketing strategies to reign over the highly competitive industry.

4 Benefits of Paid Ads on Google

In a digital era where everything is instant fast, online platforms provide business owners a chance to connect with a large audience in a very short time. But, the challenging task here is to cut through the online clutter to reach out to the target audience. Paid ads or PPC on Google platform is one of the best ways to tap your potential market and get optimum results. Amazing Facts of Website Design & Development - 2019 (UPDATED) - IKF.

Amazing Facts of Website Design & Development That You Didn’t Know About or Maybe You Did?

Amazing Facts of Website Design & Development - 2019 (UPDATED) - IKF

Now that you have coined the idea for your business and are ready to concentrate on the design and development aspect of your website, remember a ‘great web design minus functionality is as good as a Ferrari without an engine.’ We are a reputed website design and development company that has been offering top quality services to several businesses. Our services have helped multiple companies to take off in their respective industries. Here we offer you six interesting facts about your website that you must know before you start building one: 1. Web browsers and devices used to access the Internet are constantly evolving.

Right Content marketing for Optimal Search Performance. Content marketing can prove to be a game-changer for your business’s online presence.

Right Content marketing for Optimal Search Performance

While it’s a broad term that can be interpreted in different ways, the objective remains the same in any case, promoting your offerings to the target audience. Benefits of Web Application for Your Business - The web application has taken the business world by storm and the phenomenon is ever-growing.

Benefits of Web Application for Your Business -

Millions of businesses today leverage the web app features to connect with their target audience and build brand loyalty. An affordable and easy means of communication, web application facilitates businesses to strengthen their online presence and expand their market reach. Digital Marketers use the app to persuade web visitors to subscribe to newsletters and fill out application forms when requesting information on the product. This sets the tone for further communication and improves the chances of sales. IKF is a known web application development company in Pune that has been developing high-quality web applications and offering mobile app development services for its clients.

Give your business the desired boost by opting for a web application. 5 Effective Ways to Repurpose Blog for Boosting Traffic. What Makes Website Maintenance an Integral Part of Your Online Business. Mobile Application Development Company in Pune. Just drop us an email explaining in brief about what you have in mind. We'll review and refine the idea and connect you with our development team that will take things forward. Project payment would be defined in terms of milestones; on completion of each milestone, that is when the piece of work is exactly in accord with your expectations.

In short, you will make the payment for the milestone successfully achieved. Yes. We have an in-house testing team that will test the system along with the developer. We use secure authentication token system along with data storage for encryption of sensitive data. Yes, we provide free support period once the app goes live. We will fix any bug which comes within the defined scope of the project and which did not occur due to OS upgrade. It all boils down to one thing at the end of the day - the complexity of the app. Like time, cost is another factor that depends entirely on the number of features you are planning to have in your mobile app. Website Maintenance Services. Your Web Hosting Provider is Key to Website Success. PPC Services Company in Pune. Being an acclaimed search engine marketing company in India, we hold a special respect for PPC.

PPC Services Company in Pune

PPC is Pay Per Click which is a model of Internet Marketing wherein the advertisers can display their products and services on the publisher’s(Google, Bing) platform and in return pay them whenever their advertisement is clicked upon. We offer a diverse range of PPC management services in India, and would be delighted to offer a free consultation regarding our SEM services. The Cost depends on various factors such as competition, industry specific cost-per-click, number of products/services you want to advertise, location and many other factors. Since our inception in the year 2000, we have successfully implememented PPC for a number of international and national clients.

We have worked with diverse industry domains such as Real estate, E-Commerce, Retail, Health Care, Manufacturing, Consultancy etc. Gear Up for the Latest Digital Marketing Trends to Stay Ahead! Search Engine Optimization. The cost of search engine optimization company in India depends on the size of your business, the extent of services you require and the scope of your project. If you’re looking for an SEO agency in India, you can contact our sales team at or give us a ring at +91 88888 66110 to know about our SEO packages.

It depends on the website and industry vertical. The number of keywords depends on the business objectives. Generally, it requires at least 2 to 3 months to spot visible improvements. The results may improve dramatically overtime provided there's consistency. SEO increases website visibility which in turn drives traffic to the website. IKF is a leading Digital Marketing company in Pune, with 18+ years of experience and over 850 clients. Yes, we can take over the SEO account from your current SEO agency. Yes, a good UX helps to rank the website better with Google as it is one of the key factors for SEO.

Take Customer Satisfaction to the Next Level with Social Listening. In laymen terms, social media listening can be explained as a process wherein the conversations, trends and happenings are closely scrutinized and analyzed on various social media platforms. This phenomenon is not brand specific rather it is about the entire industry that you are operating in. The assessments derived from social listening can help you in making informed and profitable marketing decisions. In the social world the conversations are endless; social media listening helps in understanding what the crux of all these conversations. Basically, by using this tactic you will get to see the bigger picture and not just get a notification when someone tags or mentions your brand.

How to Choose the Best E-Commerce Hosting Plan? The first question that stares at you in the face while starting your online store is this: “Who do I choose for my hosting?” Choosing the right ecommerce platform for your business is a crucial subject that needs to be given its due importance. Because, if your web hosting platform is not effective, you may very well forget about making your online store a success.The typical successful host will have expertise intertwined with foresight to drum up a ‘simple & seamless’ online store.

Whether its speed and stability or security and uptime, you have to be confident that the web host you are about to finalize will give you all of this and more. Taking onboard the wrong web host can cause endless headaches. As noted by KissMetrics, more than 50% of web users will not wait for more than 2 seconds for the page to load. Whew! And starting out with the right web host is no less than a great plus point. MAHA NGO Federation Launches Its Brand New Logo! On the occasion of Independence Day team IKF (I Knowledge Factory Pvt. Ltd.) crossed another milestone. 7 Easy Ways to Promote Your Matrimonial Business Online. Today, the key facilitator for arranged marriages in India are not our uncles and aunties or neighbors or well-wishers or punditji’s for that matter, they are the matrimonial websites that stand testimony to the wedlock of two souls (unlike in the heaven, they were made online ).

Jokes apart, according to ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India) survey, India’s online matrimony business has already crossed a whopping Rs.1500 Crore and will reach Rs 20.6 billion by 2020, predicted Ken Research Pvt. Ltd in 2016. 7 Easy Ways to Promote Your Matrimonial Business Online. Visual Search – What it means for an SEO Company.

There have been times when I fail to recollect a particular pattern of shirt, the typical print on that shirt and smart accessories to pair with. So what do I do? Do a Visual Search on the Search Engine? Yes. This is exactly where the Visual Search comes into picture! Take an example, see below two images. 5 Quality Score Enhancing Hacks Every Top Adwords Agency Swears By! Patience is a quality that not many can master! This is especially true when it comes to digital marketing. The stakeholders of the digital realm wish to see immediate results for their campaigns; it is not always possible. Advanced Mobile SEO Techniques. The number of Smartphone usage is increasing worldwide and especially so in India. The number of mobile searches is growing exponentially. The future internet searches will predominantly take place on Smartphones and 95% of all searches are done using Google.

Storytelling in Email Marketing. Stories are fundamental to how we communicate as human beings.