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Jello Exposure | Christian Zuckschwerdt's blog. Submitted by zany on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 23:17 A very light and bright Drupal theme using the Zen framework. The main color is pure white with delicate gray highlights. The main feature here is a Jello-style layout for Zen. Based on Jello Mold the behaviour is like Garland / Minnelli. The theme for this site uses the layout.css, try resizing the browser to get an impression of the Jello effect. The actual theme specific css is just lightly themed to present it in a nice way. There is one simple change to the page.tpl.php file, a div#float-wrap is added to wrap the main content and left sidebar so they can be grouped against the right sidebar.

The bulk of code is in the layout.css, here are the main changes to the zen/layout-liquid.css as pseudo diff: There is some more rigid vs. elastic positioning, but that's about it. Creating Custom Regions | My Drupal Blog. UPDATE The following tutorial covers the creation of custom regions in Drupal 5 themes. If you are using Drupal 6 please see the newer creating custom regions in Drupal 6 themes instead. All Drupal themes you download will come with a number of pre-defined regions into which you can already place blocks (normally header, left-sidebar, content, right-sidebar, footer), but it can sometimes be useful to create your own.

This can seem a little daunting at first, but it's really just a simple two-step process: step 1 - define the custom region in your template.php filestep 2 - add the custom region to your page.tpl.php file So, lets see how it works. Step 1 - define the custom region in your template.php file All themes should have a template.php file contained within the theme folder.

Open the template.php file in your chosen editor and locate the function titled 'function nameoftheme_regions' (where nameoftheme will be the name of the theme to which you are adding a custom region). Overview of theme files. Last updated February 5, 2015. Created on August 28, 2007.Edited by heather, dustise, er.pushpinderrana, drupalshrek. Log in to edit this page. A theme is a collection of files that define the presentation layer. You can also create one or more "sub-themes" or variations on a theme. Only the .info file is required, but most themes and sub-themes will use other files as well. Drupal 6 Drupal 7 .info (required) All that is required for Drupal to see your theme is a ".info" file. The internal name of the theme is also derived from this file. Info files for themes are new in Drupal 6. Template files (.tpl.php) These templates are used for the (x)HTML markup and PHP variables.

Note: The theme registry caches information about the available theming data. Template.php For all the conditional logic and data processing of the output, there is the template.php file. Sub-themes On the surface, sub-themes behave just like any other theme. Others Looking for support? Guide du programmeur de modules. Créer un thème Drupal avec des CSS, et rien d'autre. Traduction de la page publiée / actualisée le 11 Mars 2011 sur Dans Drupal 6 et Drupal 7, plusieurs améliorations du core facilitent la tâche des concepteurs de thème qui travaillent en CSS et ne touchent pas au code PHP.

Le thème Stark a été créé pour aider les concepteurs à connaître le code xhtml généré par Drupal, il fait partie du core de Drupal 7. Les concepteurs de thèmes peuvent maintenant réaliser de superbes thèmes uniquement avec des CSS. Ce tutoriel vous montrera comment créer, en quelques étapes simples, votre propre thème Drupal 6 ou 7 à base de CSS. Etape n° 1 : créer le dossier du thème et le fichier .info La première étape dans la réalisation d'un thème est de créer le dossier où il sera enregistré, et créer le fichier .info pour informer Drupal de son existence. Pour créer le dossier : Créez ce dossier dans le dossier /sites/all/themes Nommez-le votretheme, tout en minuscules Pour créer le fichier .info * Notes :