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Parallax. Cool effect. Outils. Drawing. Debugging with Chrome's Javascript Console. ‹prev | My Chain | next› I tried using my raphaël.js plugin for animating SVG frames (raphael-animate-frames) without much luck yesterday.

Debugging with Chrome's Javascript Console

I had hoped to pull it into my (fab) game, but it did not go as smoothly as I hoped. When I click in my (fab) game, the player should walk to the click location—ideally animated as seen in my plugin demo. What happens, however, is that the there is no smooth translation of the player from point A to point B and the player's body parts fly apart: Each body part is moved indivdually by the translate_object() method in raphael-animate-frames.

Modernizr: the feature detection library for HTML5/CSS3. Javascript - Page 1.


Jquery. Mootools.