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Self Conflicts

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Negetive Thinking. Being lazy. Giving up too easily. When we adopt something new into our lives, like a hobby or a new skill, everything seems fresh and fascinating. We enthuse over it. We believe that it is something that we want to keep doing, and something we want to master. We get overly excited to pursue it at the beginning, but as the positive emotions start to cool down, we stumble on a rockier path with mixed emotions that block our passage—often leading to a dead end. When we are facing difficulties, our emotions try to take control of us.

Some might say that they’re benign emotions in that they advise us not to do something lest something bad would happen to us, but… they certainly aren’t helping us with success. You: I’m so frustrated because my studies aren’t showing any results.Your emotions: Frustration is bad for you, so you should stop doing what’s causing it. In an easier world, the emotions would respond quite differently: Your emotions: Be not discouraged by these petty shortcomings. Think about it for a minute. Right? Over Analyzing. Analysis paralysis or paralysis by analysis is an anti-pattern, the state of over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome. A decision can be treated as over-complicated, with too many detailed options, so that a choice is never made, rather than try something and change if a major problem arises. A person might be seeking the optimal or "perfect" solution upfront, and fear making any decision which could lead to erroneous results, when on the way to a better solution.

The phrase describes a situation where the opportunity cost of decision analysis exceeds the benefits that could be gained by enacting some decision, or an informal or non-deterministic situation where the sheer quantity of analysis overwhelms the decision-making process itself, thus preventing a decision. History[edit] Software development[edit] Analysis paralysis is an example of an anti-pattern. Workplace[edit] Sports[edit] Board games[edit] Procrastinating.