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Top 10 Universities Offering Ph.D. in Data Science - IJIRD. Big data is the thing that matters in the future.

Top 10 Universities Offering Ph.D. in Data Science - IJIRD

It is already validated that without technical knowledge it is hard to survive in the current world. Additionally, with automation in progress, the only subject that can lucratively employ humans is data science. Those candidates who are already pursuing their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in data science must be having to attend to journal call for paper related to this field. Hence, their aspirations may grow and develop to do something bigger, invest something in the field through a deeper research model. Therefore, a PhD in data science can significantly consolidate your career and future. Here are the top 10 universities providing Ph.D. in Data Science: Brown University– Providence, Rhode Island- Brown University’s database group is a world leader in systems-oriented database research; they seek Ph.D. candidates with strong system-building skills who are interested in researching TupleWare, MLbase, MDCC, Crowd DB, or PIQL.

6 Ways to Improve the Impact of your Research. 8 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Against Coronavirus During the Global Unlock. During the global lock-down due to COVID-19, our work suffered as much as the economy did.

8 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Against Coronavirus During the Global Unlock

Especially for researchers, going out for population surveys, data collection and collaboration with fellow researchers, students and professors, everything came to a halt for indefinite amount of time. People were forced to remain home to maintain order and stay safe. But now is the time when the world is coming out of that shutdown phase and resuming the daily activity as usual. Various places of work and education are opening doors to normalize the situation. In such uncertain time, building immunity from Corona Virus seems to be the best way to maintain not only a sound physical and mental health, but also a normal social and economic health. 5 Epoch-making Inventions in Medical Science That Served Humanity a Great Deal - The IJHSS. As researchers and scientists, we strive towards finding out something unique and innovative everyday.

5 Epoch-making Inventions in Medical Science That Served Humanity a Great Deal - The IJHSS

Through our research, we want to develop never-before ideas that we think can benefit the world. 8 Ideas to Make Your Lockdown Days More Productive Economically - IJIRD. During a global pandemic, when the world seems to have been shut down, our work suffers as much as the economy does.

8 Ideas to Make Your Lockdown Days More Productive Economically - IJIRD

Especially for researchers, going out for population surveys, data collection and collaboration with fellow researchers, students and professors, everything come to a hault. COVID-19 is one such global pandemic where all of the nightmares are coming true for mankind. To maintain order and stay safe, the only thing that we can do is stay at home. But enclosing ourselves also means that our work is paused; out thesis is punctuated midway. 7 Food and Nutrition Tips to Stay Healthy during COVID-19 Pandemic - The IJBM. We should always follow a good food and nutrition guidelines for a healthy life procedure.

7 Food and Nutrition Tips to Stay Healthy during COVID-19 Pandemic - The IJBM

Let’s face it, no type of eating or dietary habit can boost our immunity against COVID-19 infection and that’s the reason we all need to stay home. But good food and a healthy lifestyle inside the house will keep our body and mind in balance so that we can function well even when locked down in a coercive environment. Especially, for researchers, it is important to be in good mental health because we have so much of stress and pressure while working on our research, looking for publishers, and thinking of deadlines. How to Write the Most Accurate Bibliography - IJIRD. Reading objectively based on research scope and subject matter is an elaborate process, and you definitely need to navigate the works of other authors to extract information and develop your work with necessary contributions from your end.

How to Write the Most Accurate Bibliography - IJIRD

Also, some times, it becomes essential to exactly replicate your fellow author or researcher, when trying to establish a point in your own paper. A research paper whether it is published in a multidisciplinary journal or subject-oriented journal finds greater citations when reference work is properly done and cited. What is Bibliography? Bibliography is a collection of citations at the end of any work, which combines the reference works that the author has done in the research. Most multidisciplinary journals will not accept papers without a proper bibliography section as that has become an essential part of the format of research works.

A citation helps the reader identify the original source of an idea. 5 Types of Word Choice Errors in Scientific writing - The IJST. Though Scientific researches are about findings, data, interpretations, comparative tools and test to reach towards a certain conclusion.

5 Types of Word Choice Errors in Scientific writing - The IJST

But in the research paper, language is the only medium to disseminate what you have found out through your laborious research work. There are loads of research works coming out every day in their respective international journal. Some get noticed and some are missed due to errors of communication, poor quality of work or simply language. Hence, we cannot underestimate the power of language in a scientific paper.

5 Tips to Manage Research Projects. 9 Benefits of Publishing Your Research Open Access - The IJHSS. The Research world has immensely changed over the last several decades; since 1940, the number of research articles has grown exponentially with a larger variety of titles and topics presented.

9 Benefits of Publishing Your Research Open Access - The IJHSS

Moreover, digital publication ensures easier access to quality content which in turn supports a wider academic discourse. 5 Ways to Use Google Scholar for your Research Paper - IJIRD. Proper literature search and material study are perhaps the most important part of the research.

5 Ways to Use Google Scholar for your Research Paper - IJIRD

Reading related works gives you an idea about the subject you have chosen, gives you inspiration and cues you on gaps upon which you can work and develop to make your own research more interesting. How to get DOI for your Published Paper! - IJIRD. A DOI or Digital Object Identifier is a unique code that identifies a digital object.

How to get DOI for your Published Paper! - IJIRD

It can be any entity — physical, digital or abstract — that you wish to identify, primarily for sharing with an interested user community or managing as intellectual property. Many multidisciplinary journal publishers generate DOI to research articles, theses and presentations. They provide DOI to individual electronic articles, they publish because DOI insures discoverability for the e-journal articles; citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago Manual of Style etc.) are starting to request the use of a DOI in a citation for e-journal content.

One can build a study with the intention of sharing with the interested community, or for using it for future publication, patent submission and the like. However personally circulated or published work on the web also needs an identifier, but the author himself need to obtain, i.e. purchase the DOI for the work following certain methods. 10 Benefits of Open-Access Journal Publication - The IJST. The Research world has immensely changed over the last several decades; since 1940, the number of research articles has grown exponentially with larger variety of titles and topics presented. Additionally, journal articles have now become digital, providing easier access with additional features. This in turn enables a larger and more informed range of academic discourse, which is essential to scholars. Open Access Journals facilitate the easier access of quality research articles and reusage for better promotion of literature and learning, thereby better engaging in education and scientific researches.

When we browse scientific journal and find valuable research materials which we reference in our own work, we are navigating open access articles. Open access can be perceived as a philosophical change or simply an alternate business model. The most important benefits of Open Access Journals are: Importance of Statistical Power in Research Writing - IJIRD. Statistical power is the probability that statistical test will detect differences between groups if they truly exist. The different treatments we conduct on population or sample, under the same conditions may have differences that should not be missed and statistical power is the “muscle” to detect those differences between hypotheses, in order to establish that the reason for the research is true and necessary. In many efficacy studies we are looking at the differences between a treatment group (e.g., using a product) and a control group (e.g., not using a product). If our treatment is truly different than the control we want to make sure that our statistical test will detect that difference.

Tips on Effective Use of Tables and Figures in a Research Paper! - The IJBM. Tables and Figures help make significant references and representations in your research paper. Many times, textual content can be reduced and briefed using tables and figures. This is especially helpful as some International Journals have word limitations for papers. How to Reference Other Sources in Your Paper - The IJHSS. Personal study and objective learning play more significant role in a research work than knowledge. 10 Academic Job Interview Questions and How to Prepare for Them – International Journal Corner. After about 5 years of stressful Ph.D. experience, landing a job is the most rewarding feeling one can get. Hunting out the perfect job requires patience, courage, perseverance, and preparation.

Preparing for probable job interview questions in advance can help you organize your thought and makes you ready to face the grill. Why You Should Write a Lay Summary for Your Thesis – International Journal Corner. Your thesis is finally ready and it has finally got its place in the world of academic literature. What a relief! Right…? Probably, the job is still not done. 10 Skills Your Ph.D. Taught You for a Non-academic Career! – International Journal Corner. Gone are those days when career used to mean a single rigid profession. International Journal. International Journal of Humanities. Know All about Digital Object Identifier (DOI)! – International Journal Corner. How to Write a Good Abstract and Choose Appropriate Keywords? – International Journal Corner. The abstract is the direct window through which a reader can get a glimpse of your research paper.

It is the very first introduction; it is like the trailer of a movie or show which captivates the audience with the impactful highlights such that they are driven to the theatres. Publish Paper in International Journal. About The Journal. International Journal Corner.