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Apologetics Study - Evidence For The Christian Faith. Screenshot by Lightshot. Screenshot by Lightshot. The Beginning of Time - Stephen Hawking. Apologetics Study - Evidence For The Christian Faith. Overview > Is the New Testament reliable? > Internal Evidence Test > Supernatural Accounts > Are Miracles Possible? Summary Arguments for the possibility of miracles If God exists, then miracles are possible. God would be all-powerful and able to work miracles. Nature is then open to the possibility of miracles. For if it is dependent on God for its existence, it is also dependent on him for whatever else he may want to do in it. Related Issues What about Science and Miracles? Approach One: Science depends on observation and replication. What is a Miracle? A miracle is a striking and religiously significant intervention of God in the system of natural causes. [1 p. 109] Two Different Questions There are two different questions, firstly “Are miracles possible?”

How does a person justify so strong a claim that no miracles have ever happened in the entire course of human history? We therefore need to start by examining arguments for the possibility of miracles. Conclusion Related issues. Does God Exist? Overview > Is the New Testament reliable? > Internal Evidence Test > Supernatural Accounts > Does God exist? Is there anything beyond what we can see and touch? Is the universe self-sufficient and uncaused, its form the result of random motions, devoid of any plan or purpose? Or is there a being outside the universe, outside of matter, space and time? A perfect, unchanging and uncaused being? [1 p. 48] Is there truly a God? The demonstration of the existence of God is no trivial matter and is an exercise, which in order to do it any justice, is far beyond the scope of this study. The Possibility Before we look at some of the evidences, consider the following: If a person opposes the possibility of there being a God, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away.

So before one looks at the evidence to prove God's existence, one should determine if they are even open to the possibility of the existence of God, and if not, why not? Observational Evidence for the Existence of God.