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ScatterFX 3dsmax plugin | The art of 3D artist Andre Kutscherauer. The Tool AK3D ScatterFX is a Map Controlled Scatter Tool for 3ds Max. It is designed for maximum creative control about the scatter process and it´s made for Free Art Projects, Marketing Projects, Architecture Projects and Map Controlled Crowd Population. The Idea The workflow is as easy as in this screenshot. Chose and Baseobject, setup some Maps and select one ore more objects to scatter. You can easily create hundreds or thousends of instances of an object. You can setup up to ten different control maps for controlling the scatter process. For free Art projects Thanks to its consequent modular structure, all these maps can be combined to create endless combinations. Populate your world You can even scatter full rigged Bipeds! Control the masses The most crazy feature of ScatterFX is the function to map whole animated bipeds onto an object! Bipeds that are on a black pixel are the placed with their animation frame one and if a biped stands on a white Pixel it shows the last frame pose!

Select by length | Creative Scratchpad. Recently I found myself cleaning up quite heavy terrain mesh where many tiny edges had to be collapsed. Yet another task for maxscript, and as this time I had some time extra I expanded the tool to work on editable splines as well: try destroyDialog segmentsSelectByLength catch()rollout segmentsSelectByLength "Select by Length"( spinner spnMinLength "Min. Length: " offset:[-12,0] range:[0,10000,5] enabled:false spinner spnMaxLength "Max. USAGE: Upon execution you can choose if you want to specify the minimal threshold for edge/segment/spline lenght, the maximal one, or you want to use them both. The radio buttons control the script behaviour when used on editable spline, allowing you to choose whether you want to select by lenght whole splines or just their segments.

Select Similar Spline. VertexTools. SplineTrace. SplineTrace is a MaxScript that can be used to: - convert a 2D Image into spline shapes, where each spline corresponds to an interior or exterior contour (outline) in the image. Works best on Black/white images but can be used on Colour images by adjusting threshold value. - create a flat 2D object which corresponds to the "black" areas of the image. Any internal "white" areas are removed from the object. - quickly turn a plain 2D image into a solid 3D object. - create a flat 2D shape or 3D Object from an existing spline (not just those created by this script) All of these operations can be viewed in more detail here: ChangeLog: v1.1 - Previews now shown as Black on White (instead of White on Black) - Spline optimisation routines have been tweaked to keep edges straighter on all Optimisation Level settings. v1.2 It seems that a couple of bugs sneaked in during the v1.1 update and these have now been corrected.

Additional Info: PolyNurbs 1.0 - Released. PolyNurbs is a tool to convert nurbs objects to quad poly. A lot of us want to use nurbs or spline to make our quad meshes. I have tried a lot of solutions, scripts, surface modifier, turn to poly and detriangulate... but no one works as we want. With PolyNurbs you can: Convert a nurbs lattice to poly object (so you can turn on subD in your poly, and they will have similar form).Convert poly object to nurbs lattice (inverse operation. Version Requirement: 3ds Max 2008 - 2012.

Conform to Spline. ShapeShifter. The script is 'sort of' a spline normalizer with a little different twist. It also has limited functionality when used on nurbs curves. All actions are based on a calculation between total spline length and 'travel' length. So basically we 'travel' down a splineshape while creating a new spline - adding knots at 'travel' length increments until we reach the end of the subject splineshape. This creates a new splineshape that can be similar to the original or quite different but with a relationship to the subject splineshape. The idea was more to 'equalize' segment lengths - rather than to have strict lengths enforced. Playing with it using primitive shapes can be quite interesting - creating other primitives from a circle - for example - N-Gons using the 'corner' option.

Additional Info: Written using Max 7.xVery limited testing in Max6 & Max5.1 but it seems to work. Enjoy! Larry Mintons AVG_DLX extension is not required - but does add greatly to the functionality. Fuse n' Weld. Resize Splines From First. SplineControl. Fibermesh to spline: Help me improve it! Hello! I thought it would be a great idea to post the first script I've written that deals with editable polys, verts, edges and all that stuff. I learned a lot writing the script and I hope perhaps other beginners do as well.

I also have got some question as to how I could improve the speed of the script. First a small introduction: The latest version of Zbrush allows you to create what they call "fibermeshes". There is already a plugin released not long ago that does this. Here is a video of my script in action: Each hair strand basically looks like this: All the individual hairs will have the same amount of sides, segments and verts. Here is the code so far: Code: As you can see I have a question regarding the first bit in a bitarray. Last but not least a sample max scene for you to try it out. Do you guys have any idea how I could speed up or improve the script? Geometrical calculations : points, lines, planes : intersections, distances, angles. Geometrical calculations : points, lines, planes : intersections, distances, angles I am trying to collect the most usual functions for the geometrical calculations : Intersection point, projection, distance, angle, ...

Of course there are many Web sites about this, but I do not seek the mathematical formulas but functions 'ready-to-use' in maxscript. I start by giving the formulas which I know already. If you know other formulas do not hesitate to add them. Let's say that you have 4 points: pA=[ax,ay,az] pB=[bx,by,bz] pC=[cx,cy,cz] pD=[dx,dy,dz] With these points you can define a vector, a line, a plane. Vector: vAB=pB-pA vAC=pC-pA vCD=pD-pC Vector Normalization : length vector = 1.0 see also : Eric W. Cross Product : see also : Eric W. Dot Product : Code: dot vAB vAC dot (normalize vAB) (normalize vAC) see also : Eric W. Line: A line can be defined : - by 2 points - or by 1 point and 1 vector Middle Point M of AB: fn middlePoint pA pB = ((pA+pB)/2.0) fn alongPoint pA pB prop = (pA+((pB-pA)*prop)) or.

(Rhetorical question) is it possible to define structure inside structure. BerconMaps development thread. Maxscript NURBS. Background worker updating meshes. Image controlled Parameters. Telnet <-> MaxScript. I need some brave betatesters for a proof of concept. For this test you can send text from a website form straight to maxscript. How to make it work: **edit: you'll have to run the script twice, first time you'll get an error, second time works, and make sure not run it more then twice! ** Copy/paste this maxscript in the script-editor and set node_id="" to something unique, use your forum name or something. Save your work and run the script and watch the listener, it should state something like this: "28-10-2011 11:29:54: Connected to" "28-10-2011 11:29:54: new connection" "28-10-2011 11:29:54: received data" "28-10-2011 11:29:54: MissionControl: Welcome, you're registered as 'GBL'" "28-10-2011 11:30:00: received data" (make sure to run the script only once, it doesn't check for double/left over background workers etc yet.. ) After that go to "28-10-2011 11:39:37: received data" "28-10-2011 11:39:37: Hello world!

" Code: Adding Knots and Change Handlers. (Rhetorical question) is it possible to define structure inside structure. Script to make a bezier line segment touch several specified points? DotNet UI.