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Spontacts – Lust auf mehr Freizeit? The Facebookification of Twitter. Twitter is about to become a major multimedia destination, thanks to some new partners and features. Earlier today, we reported that Twitter is bringing multimedia to the stream. If you tweet a link to a video, for example, it will be embedded and play right in the Twitter stream. Twitter has "multiple partners" for today's launch, including web video, live-streaming video, and video platform partners. Bringing pictures and videos to the stream is one of the biggest changes Twitter has ever made.

Instead of going off-site to watch your favorite YouTube video or livestream, you can stay on and browse multimedia all day long. In other words, today's changes will make Twitter feel more like Facebook. Facebook is a destination; people spend hours browsing videos, adding friends, uploading pictures, changing profile information and playing FarmVille. But today's forthcoming features are the big ones. LinkedIn | Auf Beziehungen kommt es an.

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