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Triple Pundit - An 'integrated bottom-line' approach t. Socialtext. Search (SlideShare is the best place to share powerpoint present. Enterprise Wiki. Download - FreeMind - free mind mapping software. From FreeMind The latest stable release of FreeMind is 1.0.0. Downloading and installation instructions are given below. Installing FreeMind FreeMind is written in Java, so it will run on almost any system with a Java runtime environment. In order to make things easier for you, we've prepared installers for the most common desktop environments: Windows, Linux and Macintosh OS X. System requirements Step-by-step overview Install Java Runtime Environment if you do not have it. Download Choose among the following binaries of the current FreeMind 1.0.1, depending on your operating system: For Linux, the installation procedure is described in length.

Older versions You can also download older versions; see all files for download. Source code You can download source code by browsing all files for download, looking for the files containing the "-src-" substring. Receiving news To receive news on latest releases, consider subscribing to RSS feed for project file releases. Collanos | Think Out of the Inbox.