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Bash Scripting

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Android Engineer: Using Ant to Automate Building Android Applications. The standard way to develop and deploy Android applications is using Eclipse. This is great because it is free, easy to use, and many Java developers already use Eclipse. To deploy your applications using Eclipse, you simply right-click on the on the project, choose to export the application, and follow the prompts There are a few things we cannot easily do with this system, though.

Using the Eclipse GUI does not allow one to easily: Add custom build steps.Use an automated build system.Use build configurations.Build the release project with one command.Fortunately, the Android SDK comes equipped with support for Ant, which is a common build script system popular among Java developers. You can use the Ant build script to solve all of the problems listed above. Although I don't personally use an automated build system for my projects, I do use it to create configuration files and to run custom build scripts. Ant in a nutshell A build script in Ant is an XML file. Synchronizing with Eclipse. Bash scripting Tutorial. Where did svn go after upgrading to OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 - Three Eyed Bird | Minneapolis - St. Paul Web Development and Design. We want to warn our blog followers first, this is going to be quite a bit more techy so if you are not interested in those kind of things, you'll want to avoid this post, otherwise, read ahead!

We recently discovered after upgrading to OS X Mountain Lion here at the nest that when we went to use SVN that the command was no longer found. It seems that Apple has removed the binary from normal OS X installs. Wait, what is SVN SVN, or subversion, is an open source version control system. This helps users, generally developers, keep versions of files and code as they work on a project together. If you are not familiar with version control, Wikipedia has a brief intro to it. Ok, so whats the deal and how do I fix it Since SVN is more of a developer tool, Apple has now moved it to be part of their Xcode developer package. Now that you have it installed, you'll notice that the svn command still doesn't work in your terminal. To edit the file you'll want to type "sudo nano /etc/paths".

A Command Line Primer for Beginners. It is a simple fact that probably better than 95% of the system adminning under both Linux and Windows can be done from the command prompt. Fortunately for the safety and security of your system, there are no fancy GUI's with extensive, context sensitive help available for them. ...and those of us who know how a number of them work, won't tell you.

You're welcome. For myself, I am a power user. That doesn't mean I use the most obscure methods possible, just for the geek cred, but use whatever gets the job done best, whether command line or GUI... or both. For example, I just wrote a batch file to use wget & Image Magick to download Google Map sections and form them into a single, large image, which I then turn over to Photoshop to finish.

My CLI is set to open as soon as I log in, and is the superlative NDN. It is truly the power user's dream tool. Flagged. Building and Running from the Command Line. There are two ways to build your application using the Ant build script: one for testing/debugging your application — debug mode — and one for building your final package for release — release mode. Regardless of which way you build your application, it must be signed before it can install on an emulator or device—with a debug key when building in debug mode and with your own private key when building in release mode.

Whether you're building in debug mode or release mode, you need to use the Ant tool to compile and build your project. This will create the .apk file that you can install on an emulator or device. When you build in debug mode, the .apk file is automatically signed by the SDK tools with a debug key, so it's instantly ready for installation onto an emulator or attached development device. You cannot distribute an application that is signed with a debug key.

If you don't have Ant, you can obtain it from the Apache Ant home page. Set JAVA_HOME=c:\Progra~1\Java\<jdkdir> ant test. Shell Programming! A working knowledge of shell scripting is essential to anyone wishing to become reasonably proficient at system administration, even if they do not anticipate ever having to actually write a script.

Consider that as a Linux machine boots up, it executes the shell scripts in /etc/rc.d to restore the system configuration and set up services. A detailed understanding of these startup scripts is important for analyzing the behavior of a system, and possibly modifying it. The craft of scripting is not hard to master, since scripts can be built in bite-sized sections and there is only a fairly small set of shell-specific operators and options to learn. The syntax is simple -- even austere -- similar to that of invoking and chaining together utilities at the command line, and there are only a few "rules" governing their use. Most short scripts work right the first time, and debugging even the longer ones is straightforward.

What follows is a tutorial on shell scripting. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. Shell Scripting Primer: Shell Script Basics. Writing a shell script is like riding a bike. You fall off and scrape your knees a lot at first. With a bit more experience, you become comfortable riding them around town, but also quickly discover why most people drive cars for longer trips.

Shell scripting is generally considered to be a glue language, ideal for creating small pieces of code that connect other tools together. While shell scripts can be used for more complex tasks, they are usually not the best choice. If you have ever successfully trued a bicycle wheel (or paid someone else to do so), that’s similar to learning the basics of shell scripting. This chapter and the next two chapters introduce the basic concepts of shell scripting. Shell Script Dialects There are many different dialects of shell scripts, each with their own quirks, and some with their own syntax entirely.

The second hard lesson you will invariably learn is that each dialect of Bourne shell syntax differs slightly. Bourne-compatible shells And so on. Bash wait command. Wait command stop script execution until all jobs running in background have terminated, or until the job number or process id specified as an option terminates.It returns the exit status of waited-for command. wait can take the job-id or the process number. i.e. wait%1 or wait $PID _________wait ${!} _________ wait ${!} Means "to wait till the last background process is completed" ($! Being the PID of the last background process) ________________________An example on wait command Suppose- you have a script called which sorts some data files and takes a lot of time to complete(you definitely want it to run as background process in your script)- One more script called, which does some job of backing up some tmp files(nowhere related to the above You have to perform some tasks in your script after and complete their individual tasks (Note: both the .sh should be completed before you perform the said operation) $ cat!

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