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Five Most Essential Social Media Infographics - Infographics are here to stay. Capturing lots of data and info in one image can be seen as a new trend. Over time I’ve seen lots of high quality infographics that spread on the web like good viral assets. This post will sum up the top five infographics I came across over the last few months. Interested in good visual material? Continue reading for the list of five great infographics. 5. Click for original size. This image lines up the time spend in different field of activity, according to the Social Technographics, defined by Forrester Research. 4. The Conversation Prism has been on the block for a while. 3. The Boom of Social Sites gives a great overview of launch moments of social platforms and the (great) amount of users per platform. 2.

The Social Media Landscape provides an overview of the way social media tools affect marketing communications. 1. Where will you find your audience? 5 Oddly Compelling Infographics About Garbage. Digg 5 Oddly Compelling Infographics About Garbage You wouldn't think that people are interested in infographics about garbage.

5 Oddly Compelling Infographics About Garbage

We'll that's just trash talk. Speaking of trash talk, you'd be amazed at what people throw out these days and the cost of garbage to our world overall.What follows is a list of five of our favorite garbage and recycling infographics. Click each infographic to see it in a larger view. 1- Life of a Water Bottle. 11 Mind-Blowing Mobile Marketing Infographics. Smart phones, tablets, laptops and mobile broadband cards have all changed the way we access the internet. According to Pew Research Center, 59% of adult Americans go online wirelessly . With the proliferation of wireless connectivity and devices, online marketers have many more screens to worry about than just the standard computer screen.

To better illustrate the growing mobile marketing opportunity, take a look at these infographics. 1. The Size of the Mobile Market. 20 Inspiring Animated Infographics. We here at Infographic World have recently begun to offer Animated infographics to our clients And as such we of course took to the web for inspiration to see just what the best animated graphics on the web had to offer.

20 Inspiring Animated Infographics

Without further adieu here are 20 of the best and most inspirational that we discovered during our searches. It’s Time For Real Tsunami Infographic The Crisis Of Credit Oil Addiction A Brief History Of Data Storage Fair Trade Coffee Asteroid Discoveries 1980-2010 iPhone Statistics Japan The Strange Country The History Of Weed GOOD: Nuclear Weapons New York Times US Traffic New York Times Global Traffic. 21 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2012. We have collected trends in social media, marketing, business, gaming and mobile and combined all of them into this post.

21 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2012

Trends collected by Priit Kallas, Mart Prööm and Raul Kaevand. This is our third annual presentation about what to expect in social media marketing in the coming year. We are getting pretty good at this. Here are the 21 social media trends you should watch out for in 2012: 9 Social Media Infographics You Must See.

Infographics are the latest trend, no doubt about that.

9 Social Media Infographics You Must See

Just google “infographics” and see how many results you get if you do not believe me. People love them because infographics are easy to share and help us visualize the important elements that we desire to learn. Who would read a block of text when the same information could be presented to you with a neat picture? There has been an infographic about the perfect drinks, golf, nacho cheese and just about everything else. Co.Design - Infographic Articles. TakePart - News, Culture, Videos and Photos That Make the World Better.

Words on Pictures (Part 13) Inspiration - Design daily news. When Audi started a war to BMW.... Once upon a time when audi had started a war...and BMW responded; later on, BMW started messing with mercedes; and again...a mercedes can also bring driving pleasure, BMW's next victim was Jaguar, then, turned back to audi...this time audi responded and Subaru too...and Bentley put and end to the game, Subaru parts accessories, BMW parts,used Bentley parts, Mercedes parts, used Mercedes, Audi parts Top Paid Instantly CPM Advertising Network.

When Audi started a war to BMW....

Snohetta. Cool Infographics - Blog. Data Visualization, Information Design and Infographics.