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IN2AR Natural Feature Tracking With Adobe Flash. Home » Developer , News , Technology , web Any augmented reality demo in my opinion is only as good as the 3D model that it displays. Users don’t care about the underlying AR engine or how long it took the developer to write. Think about it. How much do you care about the compiler used to create your favourite game? That said, developers do care about the tools and want rich powerful solutions that will take care of the hard work in creating AR applications. IN2AR is an SDK and engine for Flash developers with both a free commercial model (free as long as the IN2AR logo is displayed) or a very reasonable price if you want to go down the full commercial route and remove the logo.

Flash developers looking to try out natural feature tracking should take a look at the IN2AR site here: . Did you like this? Related posts you may like: IN2AR Flash SDK And Demos Popcode natural feature recognition SDK Face Tracking is Beyond Reality iPhone Natural Feature Recognition Game – Coming Soon. Muki Muki » Camshift: smile you are tracking! A few months ago a lot of people of the Flash community talked about Marinela, a wonderduf implementation of the Haar detection face done by Ohtsuka Masakazu from the spark project community. In OpenCV, there is another face and hand detection and tracking algorithm called Camshift and described here by Gary Bradski. Camshift uses color information to track object into an image sequence. Not only it can detect object position but also retrieve information about object size and orientation.

Furthermore it has the advantages to be easy to implement and computationally efficient, which are really good thing for our Flash Player and my precious time ; -) .So last week I tried to implemented it and to test if it could work in Flash. The result is better than I thought and makes me really enthusiastic for the following. I needed a good image sequence with a lot of head moves to try it. . (PS: I also would like to thank my friend Thibault to let me use his head for this demo. . Hand detection using openCV | Andol. In this post, as the progress goes, the hand detection technologies using openCV is introduced. As the pictures inllustrated below, this detection method is independent with distance and background ( just not the background full of hands ), and the main segment method is color abstract which means getting the hand color pixels filtered.

As the result tested within several environments, it workd well except slightly noise varying. But the noise is easy to take off. The tested source code file is offered underneath the illustrations, feel free to use it. SOURCE FILE HERE: handDetection.CPP Related post which may interest you:Hand gesture detection and recognition Revised by Andol on 28 Oct 2013 As asked by Niaz: Among these or outside of these which method you think is the possible best approach to take.1. My anser is HAAR CASCADE CLASSIFICATION detection is the first choice, it take a lot time to work out the classifier though.

QR code for this post, SCAN ME. Hypercube. An n-dimensional hypercube is also called an n-cube or an n-dimensional cube. The term "measure polytope" is also used, notably in the work of H.S.M. Coxeter (originally from Elte, 1912[1]), but it has now been superseded. The hypercube is the special case of a hyperrectangle (also called an orthotope). A unit hypercube is a hypercube whose side has length one unit. Often, the hypercube whose corners (or vertices) are the 2n points in Rn with coordinates equal to 0 or 1 is called "the" unit hypercube. Construction[edit] A diagram showing how to create a tesseract from a point.

An animation showing how to create a tesseract from a point. 0 – A point is a hypercube of dimension zero. 1 – If one moves this point one unit length, it will sweep out a line segment, which is a unit hypercube of dimension one. 2 – If one moves this line segment its length in a perpendicular direction from itself; it sweeps out a 2-dimensional square. This can be generalized to any number of dimensions. . . (a cube has.