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Podanie_2014-07-08_212521.pdf. Titanic Theme Song • My Heart Will Go On • Celine Dion. Dar Williams - "Closer to Me" Lira_snape: Mentorship and adoption (Harry-centric) Scribble55178 - A Ghost In The Machine. Title: A Ghost In The MachineDisclaimer: I do not own Sherlock.Pairing/Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Lestrade, Donovan, Harry Watson, OCWord Count: 6,121Rating: R (for descriptions of gun violence and suicide)Warnings: depression, suicide, death of an OCA/N: For this prompt, a request for a version of ‘The Three Garridebs’, but with John's wound being much more serious, “so serious that he may not survive the arrival of the ambulance or the trip to hospital.”

While this story is a stand-alone piece, it was written as a companion for another of my stories which takes place about a year before this story. You can find that story here: Drawn Into The ShallowsSummary: When John is gravely wounded during a case, Sherlock must cope not only with the potential death of his best friend but with the memory of a traumatic event from his own childhood. The gunshot is so loud. For the span of three very long seconds Sherlock’s mind is a complete blank, a void. “Sorry. Thesardine: Fic: The Seat of Reason. Title: The Seat of ReasonCharacters: Mycroft, Sherlock, MummyGenre: GenWord Count: 3800Note: Said I to myself, "you really need to lighten up. Write something happy for a change! " So naturally I went and signed up for H/C Bingo, a guaranteed angst-fest.

Nicely done, me! Mycroft makes sure Sherlock's coat is buttoned and that he has his books for school. "I'm afraid I must have left it at school," Sherlock says blithely. "What are you playing at? " "Whatever do you mean? " Mycroft presses his lips together and pulls open the front door. Two days later Sherlock is still smiling, but his eyes have gone hard and fierce, like a little animal backed against a wall. Catherine Bradshaw sits one seat diagonally in front of Mycroft, and he can just make out the line of her undergarment beneath her pressed white shirt. A black ladybird creeps over the heel of Catherine's shoe. Dear God, we ask you to heal the broken in heart and bind up their wounds. "Do you think you did well? " Mrs. "No. " "Sherlock! " Hugh Laurie. James Hugh Calum Laurie, OBE (ur. 11 czerwca 1959 w Oksfordzie) – brytyjski aktor, scenarzysta filmowy, pisarz i muzyk.

Życiorys[edytuj | edytuj kod] Hugh Laurie myślał o zawodzie lekarza, lecz po ukończeniu Dragon School w Oksfordzie zamiast medycyny wybrał archeologię i antropologię na ekskluzywnych uczelniach Eton College i Uniwersytet Cambridge. Podczas studiów trenował wioślarstwo, brał udział w tradycyjnych regatach ósemek (The Boat Race) między uczelniami Oxford a Cambridge. W 1977 zajął czwarte miejsce w mistrzostwach świata juniorów w dwójce ze sternikiem. Jest członkiem Leander Club, jednego z najstarszych klubów wioślarskich na świecie. Jego ojciec był kiedyś prezesem tego klubu. Podczas nauki na Uniwersytecie Cambridge odkrył swój talent do aktorstwa i spotkał pierwszą dziewczynę Emmę Thompson, z którą w 1978 występował w słynnej grupie Footlights, gdzie poznał

Po raz pierwszy zagrał przed kamerami w filmie krótkometrażowym Więc kto ci to sprzedał? Jest ateistą[3]. Surfacing Chapter 7, a startrek: the original series fanfic. "So, how's it going, with you and Spock? " McCoy asked, inevitably. So far, their shift had included filing three routine encrypted reports, implementing a course diversion to avoid a Romulan vessel and a running commentary on the food replicators in tones of Southern indignation. The doctor sat, now, nursing a coffee before the end of the shift, having made it more than clear that nothing in the coffee was likely to provide any significant obstacle to his approaching engagement with oblivion.

"'Course, you know, Jim," he had said, "coffee is actually supposed to have caffeine in it. Too much to ask of Starfleet to figure out the programming and I'll bet you anything you like they've purposely decided to include caffeine in the list of prohibited substances, anyway. Should have applied the same effort to replicating a decent set of sleeping quarters. How in the blazes am I supposed to go to sleep on that rubberised shelf they call a cabin, anyway? "You're kidding, right? "I wasn't. The Best Lemon Bars Recipe. Smitten kitchen | lemon bars | print template.

Lemon Bars Adapted from The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook These are bold and tart lemon bars, ones I feel are best in smaller doses than Ina Garten suggests. I’ve made a few changes to the recipe–increased the salt in the crust, reduced the sugar in the lemon filling and an encouragement to grease your pan, as mine were all but cemented into their non-stick pan. For those of you who like the 1:1 crust to lemon layer ratio, use the second option. For the crust: 1/2 pound unsalted butter, at room temperature 1/2 cup granulated sugar 2 cups flour 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt For the full-size lemon layer: 6 extra-large eggs at room temperature 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar 2 tablespoons grated lemon zest (4 to 6 lemons) 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 cup flour Confectioners’ sugar, for dusting [Or] for a thinner lemon layer: Preheat the oven to 350°F and grease a 9 by 13 by 2-inch baking sheet.

Bake the crust for 15 to 20 minutes, until very lightly browned. Recipe: The Best Lemon Bars in the World. I came across the recipe on my friend Jane’s blog. Jane had found the Best Lemon Bars in the World recipe from the Smitten Kitchen. The Smitten Kitchen found the recipe from the Barefoot Contessa and then slightly adapted it. And The Barefoot Contessa? I have no idea how SHE FOUND IT. But oh boy, you are going to want to hide these babies. Want the recipe? Why are you still here? Luscious Lemon Desserts By Lori Longbotham This post may contain affiliate links. Related posts: The Best Lemon Bars Recipe. A Star to Steer Her By Chapter 7: Understated, a startrek: the original series fanfic. Title: UnderstatedCharacters: McCoy, Spock, KirkRating: K+Word Count: 1166Summary/Warning: Takes place immediately after Journey to Babel. Spoilers for that episode. Warning for McCoy snark.

Chief Medical Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 3845.8 Just like I suspected, our dear Captain's bull-headedness put too much stress on his injury, and before ship's night he was in a slowly-climbing fever from infection, which I'd been monitoring from the other room while I tried to finish the incident reports for this mess. At least what happened'll make a story worth telling on my next shore leave – and by golly I'd better get one, after what I've put up with. From what I can gather, Jim's fever was escalating; not enough for me to give him another dose of medication, but enough that he was moaning in his fever-dreams. Mother dear woke up then, and shrieked loud enough to be heard in the Transporter Room. Mr. "Yeah, he's back to normal, Jim," I chuckled. "Dubiously qualified! "You okay? " Czekoladowe ciasto z suszoną śliwką i brandy. Mocno czekoladowe ciasto ze śliwkami nasączonymi w brandy.

Bardzo śliwkowe. Podobne w strukturze do brownies, choć od niego dużo lżejsze, wykonane na samych białkach, niewielkiej ilości masła i mąki. Można również upiec wersję bezglutenową tego ciasta, zastępując mąkę zmielonymi orzechami włoskimi lub migdałami. To czego mi w nim brakowało, to gęsta, lepiąca polewa czekoladowa na wierzchu.. Ciasto nie jest wysokie, upieczone w większej foremce piecze się dość krótko, bez proszku do pieczenia - rośnie dzięki dodatkowi białek delikatnie wymieszanych z resztą składników. Smak rewelacyjny! Składniki: 250 g śliwek kalifornijskich 4 łyżki brandy 25 g kakao 100 g gorzkiej czekolady (70%) 50 g masła 175 g drobnego cukru do wypieków 100 ml gorącej wody 4 duże białka 85 g mąki pszennej 1 łyżeczka cynamonu Śliwki przepołowić, zalać brandy, pozostawić na 30 minut do namoczenia.

Białka ubić na sztywno, pod koniec ubijania dodawać resztę cukru, ubijając. Smacznego :-) Brownies z masłem orzechowym. Tak naprawdę na brownies nie trzeba mnie długo namawiać. Szybko się robi, dobrze smakuje i zaspokaja głód na czekoladę na dobre 7 dni ;). Intensywne, ciężkie brownies w wersji z orzechowym słonym masłem z mojego ulubionego magazynu 'The Australian Women's Weekly'.

Składniki: 180 g masła 150 g gorzkiej czekolady 250 g cukru pudru 4 jajka 1 łyżeczka ekstraktu waniliowego 140 g mąki pszennej szczypta proszku do pieczenia 35 g kakao 50 g gorzkiej czekolady, posiekanej 95 g masła orzechowego (typu 'crunchy' - z kawałkami orzeszków) Czekoladę rozpuścić razem z masłem na małym ogniu, mieszając (nie dopuścić do wrzenia). Do przygotowanej blaszki (18 x 29 cm) wlać gotowe ciasto.

Piec w temperaturze 160ºC, przez około 40 minut (piekłam krócej). Smacznego :) Przepis pochodzi z The Australian Women's Weekly 'Biscuits, brownies & biscotti.' Brownies. Zaczynam testowanie brownies :-). Na pierwszy rzut oczywiście poszła Nigella, bo długo szukać nie musiałam, ale przede mną jeszcze wiele innych przepisów: brownies cytrynowe, toffi ... Ciasto jest ciężkie, mocne, wręcz gliniaste, ale - niesamowite. Dobrze jednak, że upiekłam z połowy przepisu - jednym kawałkiem naprawdę można się nasycić. Źródło: "How to be a domestic goddess". Składniki: 375 g masła 375 g dobrej jakości gorzkiej czekolady 6 dużych jajek 1 łyżka ekstraktu z wanilii 500 g cukru pudru (dałam 380 g) 225 g mąki pszennej 1 łyżeczka soli 300 g posiekanych orzechów włoskich Rozpuścić masło i czekoladę w garnuszku z grubym dnem.

Formę wyłożyć papierem do pieczenia (Nigella sugeruje 33 x 23 cm; ja piekłam z połowy przepisu w formie o wymiarach 17 x 27 cm).Piec przez 20 - 25 minut w temperaturze 180ºC (nie dłużej! Smacznego :) Sunrise Avenue LIFESAVER LYRICS. Sherlock'll Be There for You (Sherlock/Friends Theme Song) Twinkies vs Zingers? KEBAB - gdzie najlepszy w mieście??? - Poznań. The Lessons of Life and How It's Rarely Fair, a sherlock fanfic.

The Lessons of Life and How It's Rarely Fair Sherlock knew that he had two cracked ribs, a punctured lung, and a concussion at the very least. It didn't stop him from breaking from his hospital room the first moment that the doctors turned their backs. He'd already been out cold for an hour, at least. It couldn't have been much longer because it was still daylight, but he also knew it had been at least that long because his watch had broken when he had hit the ground. It didn't matter, though. None of it did, not right now. Sherlock slunk around A&E for a few minutes, deducing with sluggish speed that John was not here. He found John outside of the nursery. Sherlock sidled up to him silently, his gaze briefly touching on John's profile.

Sherlock wasn't quite sure what to say. Eventually, he simply settled with: "I'm sorry. " John did look away from the window at that, slowly, his gaze meeting Sherlock's. Sherlock mentally winced. He licked his lips, tasting blood. Mary had been murdered. "... Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto interview: 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto interview: 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Star Trek: The Original Series. StoryGardener. Author has written 8 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series. For years I contemplated writing a couple of stories about Kirk and co.

I write for a living and the character building is what appeals to me most in storytelling, but I was curious about what it would be like to have the characters already so fully developed. Also, watching TOS episodes and thinking about TOS storylines evokes a nostalgia in me that I find gets me out of my writer’s blocks. But it wasn’t until I discovered fanfiction that I decided to go ahead. I write mostly Hurt/Comfort and am still trying to find a balance between the two. Some advice for those of you (thinking of) publishing here yourself. I love constructive reviews, comments, advice, etc. Leaving Without You Chapter 12, a startrek: the original series fanfic. Chapter 12 "How is he, Doctor? " Spock had just awakened from a short and bumpy healing trance and without pausing slid off the biobed in the main Sickbay treatment room. McCoy had never seen the Vulcan so outwardly distressed.

His horror of what had happened still staggered him, but he knew it was nothing compared to what Spock and Jim had gone through. Are going through, he corrected himself. He couldn't remember the Spock of the plague planet himself, but Nurse Chapel did. Spock had followed his glance and was staring at Christine with such a dark look the Doctor feared for both of them.

"He's stable, Spock, physically," he said quickly, drawing Spock back to himself. "Can I see him, Doctor? " He uncharacteristically didn't wait for a reply. McCoy stepped forward. "Sorry, Spock," he said firmly, clasping the other's arm. McCoy could see the effort it took Spock to stop his forward motion. McCoy looked at Christine. "Oh, Doctor," she pleaded when the door had closed upon the First Officer. Simplecoffee. Author has written 2 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series. Or the Lady Cain, if you wish to be formal.Writer. Verbophile. KK fan. Chemistry lover. I go by the name of Cain; this is a reference to Jason Bourne (the Jason of the books, not the films). I'm primarily a gen writer and reader; that said, I like to experiment. Fandomwise (ie not purely original work), I write only for Star Trek: TOS as of now am a ridiculous maniacal perfectionist, but since I'd prefer not to lose too much sleep over minimally-edited secondary-fandom fic, you can also find a few Avengers oneshots under gallardoshoes on AO3.

I study chemistry. Wide(ly varied) and wonderful fandoms: This Above All Chapter 3: McCoy, a startrek: the original series fanfic. Rating: T Word count: 2,685 (this chapter. Also, whoa.) Warnings: shameless h/c, random POV switches, some language (though nothing the characters wouldn't actually say), some spoilers (which I didn't want to mark in the text, so I've just noted them at the end.) Pairings: none Disclaimer: *points at curled-up golden bundle on floor* I want to keep this one a long time. Summary: Five times Jim Kirk went all Shakespeare on his crew, and one time they went all Shakespeare back on him. General A/N: Look at me. Specific A/N: Guess every TOS fanwriter worth his or her salt has a go at this sometime; here's my take. The computer brought the lights up in its customary announcement of ship's daybreak, and a muffled groan sounded from somewhere among the blankets. "Off," said a voice firmly.

They went off. Jim groaned again and pressed his hands to his temples, grateful beyond belief for the privacy afforded by the captain's cabin. Apparently not. Damn it all to hell. -o- It was. "Spock. " Offer? James T. StillWaters1. KCS. Learning Curve Chapter 2, a startrek: the original series fanfic. Gotcha, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. The Choices of Others, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Carrying Kirk, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Authority: April 2012. EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Leonard Nimoy. "De, don't die! But if you die - give me your hair!" 2010 Las Vegas Star Trek Convention Nimoy and Shatner get r. George Takei talks Space Shuttle ...and Leonard Nimoy.

A question to Shatner and Nimoy. I'll Be Right There - Shatnoy Tribute. Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine about friendship (русские субтитры) Star Trek- Fix You (Kirk & Spock) Star Trek Into Darkness Kirk & Spock (Will Not Back Down) Graduation, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Among the Stars I Seek Chapter 4: Absolution, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. What We Lose (is part of us) Chapter 3, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Requiem, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Part of the process Chapter 6, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Reassurance, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Star Trek: 2009 FanFiction Archive. I Have Been and Always Shall Be Your Friend Chapter 2: To Boldly Go Where No Man HasGone Before, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Irrational, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Brothers, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Emotionally Compromised, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. The captain and his crew, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Rapalacha. Dreams, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Have I Ever Told You?, a sherlock fanfic. From a Different Standpoint, a sherlock fanfic.

Catastrophe Medicine, a sherlock fanfic. Feagalad. Cops and Robbers Chapter 1: The Game Begins, a sherlock fanfic. Deductive Emotional Reasoning Chapter 1: Deductive Emotional Reasoning, a sherlock fanfic. How it Would have gone! (in Study in Pink) Chapter 3: A Holmes begging, a sherlock fanfic. Perception is Everything Chapter 1. Feagalad. The Adventures of Sherlotter, Captain of The Hispaniola, a sherlock fanfic. Casual Contact Chapter 8: Rebels, a star trek: 2009 fanfic.

Lenaellsi. Rules of Interaction Chapter 1: Never Screw Over Your Partner, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. To lose that which has been found, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. In which order should I start Watching Star Trek movies and TV series - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange. Casual Contact Chapter 7: Chess, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Orange_8_hands - Dammit Jim: Star Trek Fic Rec List.

Star Trek gen fanfic. Star Trek gen fanfic. • p o i n t y   e a r s • s t o r y   r e c s. Wstawianie napisów do VCD. Spock's and Kirk's likes and dislikes. The Telephone Game Chapter 5: Sherlock, a sherlock fanfic. A World Without You, a sherlock fanfic. Star Trek Into Darkness Cast Interviews: The Bromance. Star Trek Into Darkness: Video Interview with Zachary Quinto & Chris Pine | Movies Video |

The Long Journey Home Chapter 1, a star trek: 2009 fanfic. Ghosts Chapter 1, a star trek: 2009 fanfic.