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Interactive Maps — Measure of America: American Human Development Project. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global blueprint for a just and sustainable future.

Interactive Maps — Measure of America: American Human Development Project

The United Nations coordinated the inputs of 193 countries, including the United States, and thousands of civil society organizations to arrive at a set of seventeen goals and 169 targets to be achieved in all countries by 2030. The SDGs offer a way to understand and address critical barriers to well-being, economic growth and prosperity, and environmental sustainability in the United States and to put American challenges and opportunities within a global context. The United States played a leading role in negotiating these goals; as a result, they reflect American values and priorities. Intensité et conditions de travail. Self - Société d'Ergonomie de Langue Française.

La Fédération Française de Santé au Travail. Centre canadien d'hygiène et sécurité au travail. Organisation Internationale du Travail - Encyclopédie de sécurité et de santé au travail du BIT. Sécurité et santé au travail.