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How Using A Contractor Accountant Could Help Your Freelance Business. Published on Monday, November 2, 2015 in category: General When starting out in the world of freelance business, making sure you have the right contractor accountant is mandatory. Taking the time to consider the individual needs of your small business will help you to refine your search and find the right accountant to meet your needs. A good contractor accountant will register your company both in name and in terms of VAT, corporation tax and your employees' national insurance (this is particularly useful when your company grows).

They maintain the financial side of your business by offering bookkeeping and accounting expertise. They'll be abreast of all legislation and legalities when it comes to company taxes, leaving you free to concentrate on the demanding schedule of running your business. Contractor accountants will also ensure that your business's bank accounts have been set up correctly and will advise and implement the best online accounting system to meet your needs. Five Sliding Glass Door Ideas for Contemporary Bedrooms. Have you considered installing sliding glass doors in your contemporary bedroom? You may be surprised by the many ways you can include sliding doors in your bedroom’s design: they can open onto a balcony, replace your ordinary bedroom door or even divide larger, open-plan rooms to create small, private nooks.

We’ve compiled five sliding glass door ideas for your bedroom that we think you’ll love. 1. Let the outside in with a sliding glass wall Why settle for a simple window when you could replace an entire wall of your bedroom with a glorious sliding door? 2. If you’re not in a position to install a full sliding glass wall but still want a sliding glass door that opens onto a balcony, why not install a stained glass door? 3. Some contemporary, open-plan bedrooms connect seamlessly with bathroom areas. 4. Sometimes, you may want your bedroom to feel cosy and self-contained. 5. 10 Practical Steps To Keep Your WordPress Site Secure. Best Hedging Plants for Homes and Gardens | Scotplants Direct. October is the best time of year for planting bare root hedging and, as such, home owners and keen gardeners all over the UK will be planning accordingly. The Royal Horticultural Society’s top five favourite hedging plants are: Native carpinus betulus (hornbeam)Conifer taxus baccata (yew)The low growing lavandula angustifoliaThe large evergreen prunus lusitanica (Portuguese laurel)The seaside garden rosa rugosa But with all aspects of gardening, it’s not just about what’s popular or what’s desirable but what will actually work best within the unique requirements of your individual garden.

There are all sorts of things to think about when it comes to the best hedging plant for your garden – the first and most obvious is the intended function of your hedge. Hedging plants for protection and privacy If you’re choosing your hedging plants for protection, an evergreen variety is your best bet. Hedging plants for shaded areas Hedging plants with low maintenance. How to Install Sliding Wardrobe Doors Like A Pro. Are you considering building or purchasing sliding doors for your wardrobe? If so, you probably want to make sure they look stunning once they’re installed. As such, you’ll need to know how to fit them to the highest standard. That’s why we’ve created this simple guide to installing new sliding wardrobe doors! 1. Preparing the wardrobe Obviously, the first thing you’ll need to do is remove your old wardrobe doors and whatever fittings held them in place. 2. The next thing you should do is measure your wardrobe. 3. Before you can put the doors themselves in place, you will need to fit the tracks that will allow them to slide open and closed. 4.

Once you’ve installed your tracks, you can fit your sliding doors into place. 5. If you’ve followed our guide correctly, you can relax and rest on your laurels; you should now have a beautifully-installed set of sliding wardrobe doors! INFOGRAPHIC - Why Contractors Need Cloud Accounting. Published on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 in category: General Following our recent article on contractors and cloud accounting in June, this infographic takes a closer look at why contractor accountants need cloud accounting. For contractors and freelancers alike, keeping up-to-date with the latest technology is important at all levels of a business. Accounting practices are no exception, as it's vital they embrace the most advanced methods possible to save money, time and maintain high levels of efficiency. How to do this? Cloud accounting Specifically, 'cloud accounting' is when a computer system that is connected to the World Wide Web is used to process a company or individual's accounting data.

So why is cloud accounting so much better? As shown in the infographic, convenience is arguably the main benefit. These options can be impractical or inefficient, and when you're able to access the data from anywhere you enable yourself to do your work personally wherever you are at any time. What Makes A Good Logo Design? Why Fitted Sliding Wardrobes Can Transform Your Bedroom - Blog.

Unlike standard wardrobes, fitted sliding wardrobes tend to be built into walls in such a way that they are not movable or removable. Consequently, they would normally be a permanent feature of a bedroom furniture or interior décor and cannot be moved about for example during a house move. Considering the vast amount of wardrobe options available to home owners today, we will consider some of the reasons why a fitted sliding wardrobe can transform a bedroom in this article.

Benefits Arguably one of the most important benefits of a fitted wardrobe is creativity and flexibility. Today, users can customise these wardrobes to suit their needs hence the focus on fitted sliding wardrobes in this article. In addition, users can benefit from the amount of extra storage space that is afforded by sliding fitted wardrobes for clothes, shoes and other personal belongings.

Furthermore, when it comes to awkwardly shaped rooms, fitted sliding wardrobes maximise the use of floor and storage space. Securing Your Website Against WordPress Vulnerability. It shouldn’t take a recent warning from the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to alert users of WordPress-hosted websites of the imminent danger posed by hackers.

However, the FBI’s warning has gone a long way in reminding individuals and businesses of the responsibility to secure their online asset by all means necessary, across the world. Today, WordPress has moved on from being a simple blogging platform to a renowned content management system. Thus, unlike 5 years ago, many businesses now own a WordPress site. As a result of its popularity, WordPress has now become an easy target for would-be hackers and malicious individuals who try various techniques to take advantage of potential vulnerabilities and exploit any loopholes they can find in order to bring down a site. What’s more worrying is that the methods being employed by hackers are not selective. WordPress Plugin Threat We now know that the vast majority of WordPress hacks happen as a result of Plugin vulnerabilities.

6 Door Design Ideas for Redecorating Your Bedroom. Like fashion, there comes a time when you sort of get bored of your bedroom decoration. At this point, redecorating your bedroom is no longer an option, it is a must. However, while changing your sliding wardrobe doors or wardrobe design could be an option as in our previous article, changing your door designs could be a more practical alternative for adding comfort, design and style to a room.

Therefore, this article will give you a few door design ideas that can be useful for bedroom redecoration purposes. Sliding Doors Sliding doors come in all shapes and sizes as shown in our Uses of Sliding Doors article. However, when it comes to bedroom furniture and design, usage may be limited to sliding wardrobe doors or sliding patio doors. In spite of your choice, sliding doors can add a new look and elegance to a room. Louvered Doors Louvered doors also have many uses. Pocket Doors If you want something different you should consider pocket doors. Mirrored Doors Bi-fold Doors. Consequences of a WordPress Security Breach. This post is the first in a three-part series of articles relating to WordPress security.

It examines the importance of securing your WordPress site by taking a look at some of the most important consequences of a security breach. It is no longer a secret that many businesses now use WordPress as their main content management system when it comes to publishing content on their website. However, there is a common misconception that small businesses do not have to worry about web security or the possibility of their websites being hacked because hackers only focus their attention on medium and large scaled businesses and organisations. Unfortunately, that is a myth – perhaps the biggest we will be addressing in this series because hackers don’t discriminate. Consequently, when it comes to hacking a website, size does not matter and the same applies to the consequences discussed below. A hacked site can be a nuisance A hacked site can result in loss of revenue through downtime. 12 Ways to Reinvent Your Sliding Wardrobe Door - Blog.

It is true that sliding wardrobe doors can often be difficult to redecorate particularly when made of glass. However, this does not prevent one from wondering if it is actually possible to freshen up or refurbish a room’s sliding wardrobe door without having to buy a new one? Thankfully, in spite of the limitations often posed by the nature of these doors, there are still a good amount of options and designs that are available to renew sliding wardrobe doors without actually ruining them. Thus, this article will discuss 12 ways you can reinvent your sliding wardrobe door and give your living room, bedroom, or office the makeover it merits. Add Mirrors Who would have thought adding mirrors to wardrobe doors could spice up a room?

Paint It Yes, it might get your hands dirty but you can give your wardrobe a dash of style by painting the doors. Replace With Curtains Cover In Wallpaper Wall coverings can also be used to revamp sliding wardrobe doors. Try Felt or Cork Replace With Shoji Screens. ITEPA Regulations and How they Affect Contractors | Broome Affinity.

Published on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 in category: New legislation has been enacted and comes into effect today which requires all Employment Businesses that make gross payments (ie, outside PAYE) to their contractors to submit a quarterly report detailing the payments made. The current government – and HMRC – consider too many people are using loopholes to avoid paying their “fair share” and have introduced several pieces of legislation to try to counteract this. The latest is the 2014 amendment to the Income Tax (Earning and Pensions) Act, 2003 – commonly known as ITEPA. Under the ITEPA amendments, recruitment agencies and intermediaries must provide HMRC with the following information by way of a quarterly report: Full name Address NI number or Date of Birth Unique Taxpayer Reference Your limited company name, address and number Agencies are required by law to provide this and are currently sending out requests for this information.

What will HMRC do with this information? Pretty much. Three Linkbuilding Tactics That Work With Almost Any Project. If you’re like me, you tend to have a particularly difficult moment where you spend more time pondering your first move on a brand new project than actually doing it. The tendency, the urge even, to start with something creative, different, and difficult is hard to fight, particularly if you have a client to impress.

When in doubt, I fall back on one of these three simple strategies: Competitive Analysis Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This type of linkbuilding focuses on finding the links that your competition has already been able to obtain. Your first step is to pull the backlinks from your main competitors. Unlinked Mentions There are some amazing tools that allow you to see if your brand is being talked about. However, not everyone is being talked about by name. Imagine you are a game developer, and your latest game features dragons. This gives you a list of pages where ‘gamer,’ ‘dragon’ and both terms are mentioned. Content Content is focused in your niche.

Advanced SEO Techniques to Help Your Blog Dominate Search Results. Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around for years helping online businesses gain leverage over bigger brands. But the art of SEO is not as prevalent among bloggers. Sure, there are those who know the basics (most of which are featured in this tried and tested resource page from SEO Book) and are aware of link building techniques to help raise their search rankings (refer to Jon Cooper’s Link Building Strategies for the complete list), but their knowledge stops here. While the importance is placed on how to set up a blog that will succeed (which is covered by First Site Guide), they also need to understand the importance of integrating SEO as part of their overall strategy.

Nowadays, the approach towards SEO has become much more sophisticated. No longer can you hack your way to diferrent online directory sites and expect to rank at the top page within a month. Create evergreen content Tips in creating evergreen content: Mine competitor backlinks Broken link building The power of 100. Sliding Wardrobe Doors: How To Get It Right - Blog.

How Your Chosen Blogging Platform Can Impact Your Online Goals. Blogging is made out of moving parts that you can twist and turn to your liking. Aside from establishing a content strategy for your blog’s foundation, you need to select the best and most appropriate blogging platform for you. But just like any moving part in blogging, the choice is never always easy. There are multiple blogging platforms to choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is not simply about picking off the most popular or widely used platform from the litter (in this case, it’s WordPress) because it all boils down on what you wish to achieve with your blog. By determining your online goals, you will be able to choose the blogging platform that suits your objectives, as well as skills. Goals like increasing your leads, customers, or sales figures can depend on the platform you are using in running your blog.

Do you want a robust platform that allows for customization? Do you want an easy to design site? Content marketer during the day. The Many Benefits of Custom Sliding Doors. There are many reasons why using custom sliding doors in homes and offices has become increasingly common particularly among builders and architects. Apart from reducing visual and physical mess, they tend to provide more opportunities to be original, inventive and maximise the use of sometimes limited space.

In addition, there is the question of need. Some home owners like the idea of sliding doors to make it easier to move between rooms without having to open and/or close the main doors particularly when they have to multiple journeys from one room to another within the home. Furthermore, custom sliding doors tend to broaden the doorway thereby making it more accessible, buoyant, and less secluded.

Finally, sliding doors can be timeless when it comes to design. In Pictures: Top 5 World Record Car Auctions and Prices. Add Style To Your Bedroom With A Glass Wardrobe. YOUR GARAGE NIGHTMARES. Detroit Motor Show 2015 | Elite Inspections. 7 Ways to Influence Google Results with Search Preferences | SEO & Digital Marketing Hub – Joseph Onibokun.

Is Your Facebook Contest Breaking the Law? 5 Uses of Sliding Doors You Never Thought Of. Why Business Intelligence Is Essential. 7 Benefits of Mirrored Sliding Wardrobe Doors. Add Personality To Your LinkedIn Profile With A Custom Background | Internet Creation Blog. Moving Targeting and Pricing In New Facebook Advert Set | SEO & Digital Marketing Hub – Joseph Onibokun.

7 Ways Web-Based Businesses Can Improve Conversion. How To Determine Whether You Need A New Roof | Qfi Roofline Specialists. 10 Contemporary, Fitted and Built In Wardrobes Design Ideas. How Marketers Track SEO Performance Today. Landing Pages Are Powerful – Here’s Why You Should Start Using Them | SEO & Digital Marketing Hub – Joseph Onibokun. How To Buy Sliding Wardrobe Doors. 20 Questions to Ask Yourself When Looking For A Genuine Roofing Company | Qfi Roofline Specialists.