iConnectX is a free social platform that connects Professionals, Executives, Experts, Companies and Charities/Nonprofit Organizations. Connect with your peers, Executives, Companies and Experts, follow their posts and success stories. Follow your favorite Charities/Nonprofit Organizations to help increase donations and interest. Find out what other Charities/Nonprofit Organizations are promoting either through events or auctions.
What Nonprofit Fundraisers should Do and NOT Do during the Coronavirus Crisis. Untitled. Online Fundraising Auction Platform for Charity. What is Coronavirus and Fundraising for COVID-19. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a deadly and infectious disease affected by a newly discovered coronavirus.
The coronavirus disease reportedly originated from Wuhan, the capital city of China’s Wuhan province. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus experiencing mild to moderate respiratory illness and reportedly people with good immunity recovering without special treatment. Older people above 60 years and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to affect from the coronavirus. The best way to prevent the virus and slow down its transmission to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol-based sanitizer frequently and not touching your face. At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for coronavirus. Coronavirus Prevention: Common symptoms include:
6 Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofit to Get More Donors All Year. Philanthropy, at one time, was thought to be a domain of the extremely affluent class of the society.
The middle class was not very inclined towards it. However, the approach of the middle class towards philanthropy has undergone a radical change in the recent past. The stats would have us believe that in the U.S itself citizens contribute 1.7% of its GDP to nonprofit despite the fact that these donations don’t necessarily yield tax benefits for the donors.
Why is there a rising awareness of fundraising? People tend to donate when they feel strongly towards a cause for which the fund is being raised.People may donate if there is a personal relationship between them and the fundraiser. Fundraising Ideas for charity all the year: 1. How to Find a Good Mentor in USA 2019. How to Find a Good Mentor? Mentoring is empowering young people to develop personally and professionally to their full potential with the help of a mentor.
The mentor empowers the mentee by sharing his skills, knowledge, and experience in the field Why is mentoring required? In the current times, mentoring has become relevant because most young individuals are confused in terms of what exactly their goals are, how they should go about achieving them, etc. Mentoring helps an individual have an unbiased view of where he/she stands currently. Based on this he can choose where he wants to be and how to achieve his aspirations. Mentoring is not just giving advice to the mentee based on the experience of the mentor but it entails enabling the mentee to identify his goals based on his aptitude and interests. This makes it obvious that a mentor should not be overtly dominating but have a patient approach. This leads us to the question, "What are the qualities of a good mentor? " Expertise Right fit Reliable Good Listener Empathy.
How to Plan a Successful Nonprofit Event? A non-profit event offers an opportunity for the non-profit to interact with the community.
It is your window to the world where you can put your best foot forward and benefit from monetary and non-monetary gains. Monetary gains entail donations for your charity and non-monetary gains imply nurturing existing donors and engaging with new ones. In this digital world, live experiences make a difference.
List of Best Charities to Donate Fund in 2019. Are you looking for the list of best charities to donate the funds?
Here are some interesting facts before that, during 2017, American individuals, estates, philanthropists, organizations across the U.S. have donated a whopping sum of $390.05Bn. Do you know that the individual with age group 50-65+ donated 3 times more than the age group 20-35 years? Donating time, money and other efforts to your best charities is a generous act and a bit relief from the tax deduction. The genericity index of individuals and corporations donating fund to nonprofit is growing YOY. It is expected that the donated fund to charitable organizations will cross $400Bn. Plenty of charities raise loads of funds to run many social causes, events, and other programs, but many use large portions of their fund in marketing, administration expenses, staff salary and the limited amount goes for social causes. Choosing the best charity to donate fund by name is a mistake some donors make. Type of Charity:
iConnectX - About us. iConnectX is a free social platform that connects Professionals, Executives, Experts, and Companies with Charity/Nonprofit Organizations, increasing participation in events, auctions and donations.
Started in 2017, iConnectX is a product of Sqwirrel LLC, a Bloomfield Hills, Michigan company. This is the only social platform that enables Professionals to connect with Executives and Experts, bringing them together for the same cause while raising dollars for charity and nonprofit organizations. Private Bridge is a patent pending technology of iConnectX that helps professionals connect with experts or executives for fees that are donated directly to charity and nonprofit organizations registered on the platform.
Direct donations, auctions and events are advertised and managed directly by registered organizations. Iconnectx is Social Platform for Professionals, Executives, Charities & NGO.