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India Centre for Global Excellence

India Centre for Global Excellence (ICGE), is the training arm & Centre of Excellence for New Delhi Institute of Management. ICGE was founded with the core mission of delivering high-quality business education to learners around the world.

Online Certificate Programme on B2B Digital Marketing Course 2020 - India Centre for Global Excellence. ARE WOMEN BETTER LEADERS THAN MEN? – ICGE Delhi. In today’s world, women are rated better leaders when compared to men in the same industries.


Women have proven over the years through research and are considered to be all-rounders. Business leaders around the world agree that they have had great support from the women in their lives which made it possible for them to achieve and do more in life. Women are being empowered everyday in companies all around the world to be able to focus on their careers, business, higher-education and family. In the coming years, it will truly remarkable to witness the magic of empowered women all around the world, on a scale that has never been experienced before. Research has shown that women are better than men when it comes to the following key leadership qualities: Many women are role models for how to become leaders.

When organisations value their talented female workforce When organisations invest in their female employees’ skills, the organisation tends to outperform its competitors. Like this: Brand strategy trainings Delhi. ICGE Delhi - A Place for Brand Management Certification Courses. Webinar on Prevention of Sexual Harassment - India Centre for Global Excellence. Lessons from My Favourite Podcasts: How to Make 2020 the Best Year of Your Life. Early morning!

Lessons from My Favourite Podcasts: How to Make 2020 the Best Year of Your Life

My Favourite time of the day when I go for a walk or a run or a workout at the gym. I feel blessed to be alive. I am full of gratitude as I am able to invest my time in activities that I enjoy. Every day, I start my routine with a Podcast. Daily morning dose of podcasts fill me with: A big desire to achieve my full potential and Pushes me to go that extra mileA deep sense of gratitude for the life wherein I feel like helping others without any expectationsA high level of motivation to work hard on my physical and mental health Therefore, morning time is a blessed time for me.

My journey of learning from podcasts started 4 years back. After listening to and analysing the common characteristics, I learnt that all my virtual mentors are: - Visionary – They have a vision. . - In Love with their failures – You may not believe it when I tell you that all of them love their failures. . - Stretching beyond their comfort zone – They are the most aggressive learners. HARDWORK!!

Fast-Track Your Success Through The Right Mentor! I have had a very interesting journey with Mentoring in my life.

Fast-Track Your Success Through The Right Mentor!

From my school days, through my college days and even today I have been privileged to have a number of good mentors. My father, private tutors, college buddies and corporate colleagues are just some of them. They have not only taught me what is important for me, but have also helped me through my journey of self-discovery. Now-a-days, because of social media and in my quest to unlock the true human potential, I have been exposed to the best possible mentors available today. As of now, I have one mentor whom I know personally and three virtual mentors whom I interact with through social media. My mentors have played a significant role in making me who I am today and helping in what I have achieved till now. Interestingly, I have always been bombarded by questions around Mentors by so many of my friends, colleagues, students. Stay Motivated...Stay Alive. India Centre for Global Excellence: How to Manage Your Time rather than Cribbing about how less it is!

It is a dichotomy that New Generation Technology has been developed to serve the need of humans but still most of us end our day with so many pending tasks for the next day.

India Centre for Global Excellence: How to Manage Your Time rather than Cribbing about how less it is!

Ideally, New Generation Technology should help us manage our work efficiently and leave us with more free time. Yet, when I look around, I realize that everyone has less time in a day, everyone is working more but is still not able to finish the tasks at hand. I really wonder if this technology is there to help us or is it providing nutrition to our hunger to achieve more, which is depriving us of ever deficient time? Is it possible that our desire to finish more has increased due to upgraded technology? Can’t really answer this question without enough research, however the reality remains the same that almost every person I meet is grappling with the issue of shortage of TIME, always under pressure of leaving tasks unaccomplished.

Let us mull over some of the possible ways to manage time to lead a fulfilling life: ManagementDevelopment Programmes, Executive Development Programmes, Consulting and Training Workshops.