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Science Fiction Books

Facebook Twitter - Science Fiction (sci-fi) news, books, tv, movies, comic books, video games and more... Science Fiction: The Early History. Science Fiction: The Early History by H. Bruce Franklin Anyone who wants to comprehend human affairs in the 19th and 20th centuries needs some knowledge and understanding of science fiction. But what is science fiction, anyhow? Let's start by distinguishing it from other fiction.

Science fiction must be defined further, as an historical happening. All this is very recent. We take for granted living in a world where technological change is so rapid that it is part of our lives--continually transforming the present and the future. The Earth is approximately four and a half billion years old. Within that pen scratch of time, the rate of technological change has been exponential. So my key definition is this: Science fiction is the major non-realistic mode of imaginative creation of our epoch. Science fiction, however, has a long prehistory. The first fictions about travel beyond the Earth were satires of such epic voyages by the Syrian writer Lucian of Samosata in the 2nd century A.D.

H. The Best Science Fiction Books (According to Reddit) - StumbleUpon. Recently, someone asked Reddit for a list of the best science fiction books of all time. Being a fan of sci-fi, and wanting to expand my own reading list, I thought it would be helpful to tally the results and preserve them here for future reference. I've also included selected quotes from the comments, as well as my own notes on the books I've already read. PS: All book images in this post are copyright Amazon, and were retrieved using my Big Book Search Engine. So, without further ado, here are the Greatest Sci-Fi Books of All Time, ordered by upvote count: Dune Frank Herbert - 1965 "There's a reason it's the global top selling science fiction book of all time. " - NibblyPig If you have a chance, track down the excellent full cast audiobook (unabridged!)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams - 1979 "I really love the cool combination of humor, philosophy, and sheer nuttiness of the entire series. " - Scarbrow Ender's Game Orson Scott Card - 1985 Foundation Trilogy Isaac Asimov - 1942. Book-A-Minute SF/F - StumbleUpon. Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Reviews - StumbleUpon.