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SL Onepager - ShapelabVR. Education Partners with Research Institutions to Explore VR’s Impact on Learning Outcomes. November 13 – 17 is National Education Week in the US.

Education Partners with Research Institutions to Explore VR’s Impact on Learning Outcomes

To celebrate, we’re highlighting the intersections of VR and education with a series of blog posts. In Part 1, we dove into the latest news from Oculus NextGen. In Part 2, we discuss some exciting updates from Oculus Education, including a grant to support play4REAL, a new lab at Yale’s Center for Health & Learning Games. Knowledge Is Power The mission of Oculus Education is to empower communities through VR’s ability to positively impact learning and to support equitable access for all. To accomplish that goal, we need to understand how VR can have the greatest impact on learning outcomes across a variety of scenarios. We’ve partnered with several research institutions to design data-driven research projects that help us better understand which properties of VR may have the greatest impact on learning, under which conditions, and in what subject matters and environments.

Image courtesy Yale Center for Health & Learning Games. – The CleanAir Bench: Final Steps of Construction. The air cleaners arrived in Manchester this morning and have been installed with the collaboration from Siamak from the Airlabs team, and our fabulous construction company, ArtForm Urban Furniture.

– The CleanAir Bench: Final Steps of Construction

We are looking forward to cleaning air on the River Terrace at Somerset House this weekend, January 28 and 29, as part of the Space to Breathe Exhibition. Space to Breathe is a “a weekend of installations, performances, talks and workshops highlighting the impact of air pollution on our health.” This creative response to the environmental, health, and economic crisis that is air pollution will features artists and other organizations and their work as response to the issue. Our bench will provide exhibition goers a literal space to breathe as they enjoy the other exhibits on the River Terrace.

Stay tuned for more updates from the weekend! 3D Printed The $30 3D scanner V5 Updates by daveyclk. Best 3D Scanner 2017 - Top 27 3D Scanners, Apps & Software. The 3D Systems iSense 3D scanner is designed as a low-cost extension for your iOS device.

Best 3D Scanner 2017 - Top 27 3D Scanners, Apps & Software

Unfortunately, it isn’t compatible with other systems like Android, Windows or Linux. Depending on the Apple device you have, the iSense 3D scanner comes with the appropriate ‘case’ to fit your device but is otherwise identical in regards to the technical specifications. The iSense is quite capable and impressive. It was considered to be one of the best 3D scanners when it came out first. The handheld 3D scanner has one of the largest ranges in scan volume in its class. The mobile app includes features that automatically detect which object the user wants to 3D scan and ignores everything else. This product is available for the iPhone 6, iPhone 6+, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad 4th generation or iPad mini Retina – no word on the iPhone 7 so far.

Features: Check 3D Systems iSense 3D scanner price at Amazon: iPhone 6, iPhone 6+, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad 4th generation, iPad mini Retina. Dimension. The leader in mixed reality technology. Inside Microsoft's new hologram maker. Experts in Holographic 3D videos and shows. Gamevice Controller for 12.9-inch iPad Pro - Apple (UK) IrisVR Prospect - One-Click 3D to VR Software. MakeVR™  3D Modeling and Printing for Everyone Today, 3D printing is available to everyone through relatively inexpensive printers or through printing services like Shapeways.


But designing 3D content using traditional software and a 2D interface, like a mouse and keyboard, is still a complicated and unintuitive process. MakeVR is a 3D modeling application built around two key components: an innovative 3D multi-touch interface that replaces the traditional mouse and keyboard inputs for all functions and a professional-grade CAD engine. On top of this foundation we’ve added real-time collaboration for up to five remote users. And of course, everything created in MakeVR can be saved in any standard 3D printing format, then, with a click of a button, sent to either a local 3D printer or to a 3D printing service like Shapeways. 3D Multi-Touch MakeVR’s unprecedented ease-of-use is enabled by a 3D input technology that can track the exact position and orientation of each hand at all times.
