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Template Tags. Languages: English • Español • Français • Italiano • 日本語 • 한국어 • Português do Brasil • Русский • ไทย • Türkçe • 中文(简体) • 中文(繁體) • (Add your language) Template tags are used within your blog's Templates to display information dynamically or otherwise customize your blog, providing the tools to make it as individual and interesting as you are. Below is a list of the general user tags available in WordPress, sorted by function-specific category. For further information on template tags and templates in general, see the following: Stepping Into Template Tags - an introduction to Template Tags. Anatomy of a Template Tag - details of how to put Tags into Template files. Note: If you have an interesting twist on the implementation of a template tag, you're encouraged to add to its documentation for the benefit of other WordPress users.

Files Template tags files are stored in the wp-includes directory. Tags General tags wp-includes/general-template.php Author tags wp-includes/author-template.php. Developing Your First WordPress Theme: Day 1 of 3. Themes are a huge part of what makes WordPress as popular as it is, and in this three-part series we'll take you through a step-by-step process that results in a completed, functioning WordPress theme. No prior knowledge required, this is the perfect place to start if you're completely new to WordPress! WordPress Themes Welcome to the first instalment in this three part series on how to get started with making themes for WordPress. Themes are one of the best things about WordPress and the ease of finding, installing and modifying them is one of the factors that has helped WordPress become the giant that it is today - over 20 million blogs are hosted on alone. Of the millions of people that use WordPress, it's likely that a large majority of those users don't know how to produce a website template, let alone create a WordPress theme.

It's also quite likely that a lot of WordPress users aren't familiar with terms such as ‘FTP' or ‘Uploading'. What Makes a Good Theme? Gravatars. 80 Best Wordpress Plugins – Want Unfair Advantage? With literally thousands of plugins available, finding the best WordPress plugins for your website can be hard and time-consuming! This comprehensive collection of high quality WordPress plugins will make your life easier and help you build a professional online presence. WordPress is certainly one of the most feature rich and user-friendly publishing platforms available today. It is extremely popular and webmasters love it because of its openness and extensibility and its huge and active open source community. Websites all over the world are created using WordPress – from serious high traffic commercial websites to small personal blogs. This massive popularity and the growing demand for new functionality and features, has grown a large market for professional, high quality premium themes and plugins of nearly any kind.

WordPress originally gained a position in the market by being an open source and entirely free platform. In this post, I am showcasing some of the best WordPress plugins. Calendrier - WordPress Event Calendar Using Custom Post Types and Verbose Calendar. We use WordPress Event Calendar to show the posts created on each day. Also visitors would love to know about the future posts.

I have seen some sites which provide the Title of future tutorials so that visitors can stay updated on the topics they like. Likewise we can use WordPress as an event management system as well. Schedules of events are much more important than blog posts. So in this tutorial I am going to use a jQuery plugin called Verbose Calendar in combination with Custom Post Types to create a simple event calendar. What Are We Developing Today Verbose Event Calendar plugin will allow site owners to create events on the admin dashboard and display to users using a calendar. Creating a Custom Post Type for events and adding events.Create a shortcode to display jQuery Verbose Calendar.Add events to the verbose calendar using AJAX. Step 1 Creating the Plugin File Initially we have to create the plugin folder in the /wp-content/plugins directory. Step 5 Create Custom Events Fields. Calendrier - An Updated WordPress Events List. Around this time last year, I wrote a post on how to create an Upcoming Events section on your WordPress blog.

The events can be displayed as a list of posts, ordered by the date in which they occur (And events that come and go will automatically be taken off the list of course). As several of you found out this January though, that code had an issue in it that meant it stopped working with the new year. In this post, we’re going to fix that (Sorry it’s taken me to now to publish a tutorial with the solution!). How to Add Events The most important thing is that we won’t be making any changes to how events are added. For that reason, we’ll keep adding events by: Adding posts to a category called Events.Specifying the date of the event using a custom field called Date.

To get started, go and and add a few test posts to your Events category now. Building Our MySQL Query Instead of a regular WordPress query_posts(), this time we’ll be building a MySQL query. Displaying Our Events. Calendrier - Entreprise EPI , création de sites internet | Transformer le calendrier wordpress en un agenda. Bonjour à tous. Aujourd’hui nous allons voir comment transformer en 10 minutes le calendrier de WordPress en un agenda. Tout d’abord, il faut télécharger le plugin the future is now.

Ce petit plugin permet tout simplement de poster un article à une date qui n’est pas encore passée; Ce qui est fort utile pour notre idée que chaque article va être un élément d’un agenda. Deuxième étape Dans general-template.php : trouver la fonction get_calendar() et supprimer la partie en gras. $dayswithposts = $wpdb->get_results(« SELECT DISTINCT DAYOFMONTH(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE MONTH(post_date) = ‘$thismonth’ AND YEAR(post_date) = ‘$thisyear’ AND post_type = ‘post’ AND post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_date < ‘ » . current_time(‘mysql’) . ‘\ », ARRAY_N); Si vous ne voulez utiliser le calendrier que pour une catégorie et non tous les articles : ou 11 représente l’id de la catégorie Voilà c’est fini et ça fonctionne !

Si cet article vous a aidé, n’hésitez pas à faire un don. Slider - jQuery & Wordpress - Créer votre slider personnalisé. Aujourd’hui nous apprendrons à utiliser jQuery afin de créer un slider. Plusieurs notions de WordPress vous seront utiles, notamment les query_posts et les custom fields ou champs personnalisés. Coté jQuery, tous sera décortiqué dans ce tutoriel. Pourquoi faire un slider soi-même, alors qu’il en existe une pléiade de plugin comprenant cette fonction ? Vous verrez qu’avec un peu de doigté vous pourrez arriver à un résultat plus proche de vos désidératas qu’avec un plugin car il s’agit d’une combinaison de CSS / JavaScript totalement personnalisable. Rappel sur les query_posts Le query_posts est une fonction utilisée juste avant le loop WordPress permettant de trier les résultats de ce dernier. En code, le précédent exemple donnerai ceci : Le wp_reset_query(); » sert à clore la requête pour éviter tout conflit dans le cas d’un template multi-loop.

Pour notre slider nous utiliserons cette requête : Rappel sur les custom fields Ces champs peuvent faire l’objet de custom fields. Slider - Nivo Slider for WordPress. CMS - Ressources pour utiliser WordPress comme CMS et sites statiques. WordPress, de loin le premier script de blog au monde en nombre d’utilisateurs, a tellement évolué depuis ses débuts qu’il est aujourd’hui extensible à l »infini, ce qui le rend capable de presque tout faire en termes d’applications web. Même si sa vocation première reste le développement facilité de blogs et de sites d’information, certains n’hésitent WordPress, de loin le premier script de blog au monde en nombre d’utilisateurs, a tellement évolué depuis ses débuts qu’il est aujourd’hui extensible à l »infini, ce qui le rend capable de presque tout faire en termes d’applications web. Même si sa vocation première reste le développement facilité de blogs et de sites d’information, certains n’hésitent pas à l’utiliser à d’autres fins, et notamment pour déployer des sites qui n’ont plus rien à voir avec des blogs.

Du blog au site statique Un site statique ? Et WordPress alors, comment ça se passe ? J’y viens, j’y viens. WordPress est un CMS comme les autres Alors, comment fait-on ? CMS - 9 plugins pour gérer ses pages en utilisation CMS. WordPress est super en tant que CMS pour créer des sites qui n’ont presque rien à voir avec des blogs ordinaires. Pour mon projet sur les cordages bateaux dont j’ai déjà parlé sur WordPress tuto, on a eu recours à un usage massif des pages pour gérer le contenu. Comme le site approche d’une version présentable, je vais faire un petit retour sur les plugins de gestion des pages dans WordPress utilisés dans ce projet. Sur l’intérêt d’utiliser des pages plutôt que des articles.

Avantages des pages dans WordPress : Le pages sont bien adaptées à la gestion de contenu statique. Inconvénients de la gestion des pages dans WordPress. Je ne parle ici que des fonctionnalité de WordPress que je n’ai pas réussi à modifier avec les plugins présentés ci dessous. Le corolaire de ce qui précède est qu’il faut utiliser énormément de plugins pour parvenir à ses fins.Tous ces plugins peuvent ralentir considérablement votre site. 1- Afficher un menu déroulant basé sur les pages dans l’entête. Create A Network. Languages: বাংলা • English • Français • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • Português • Русский • ไทย • 中文(简体) • Español • (Add your language) As of WordPress 3.0, you have the ability to create a network of sites by using the multisite feature. This article contains instructions for creating a multisite network.

A multisite network can be very similar to your own personal version of End users of your network can create their own sites on demand, just like end users of can create blogs on demand. If you do not have any need to allow end users to create their own sites on demand, you can create a multisite network in which only you, the administrator, can add new sites. A multisite network is a collection of sites that all share the same WordPress installation. They can also share plugins and themes. NOTE: If you are currently running WordPress MU, you do not need to complete these steps. Step 0: Before You Begin Step 1: Prepare Your WordPress Step 2: Allow Multisite 1. Créer un thème de A à Z - Tutoriel WordPress.

Best of thèmes - 20 New and Free Minimal Wordpress Themes. All of the free minimal WordPress themes we have for you below are free and will work perfectly well straight-out-of-the-box (albeit with a few option panel tweaks), also the vast majority of them being responsive. But, putting the minimal styling aside, the real beauty of these themes, for designers and developers anyway, is that they are a fantastic starting point for further development and giving you the chance to view and learn first-hand professional and organised coding practices. If you’re looking for newer and better free WordPress themes, including minimal themes, you should check out this article: 50 Beautiful and Free WordPress Themes. Euclides Euclides is a theme that has been built for you guys who write tutorials online.

It will display meta info about your tutorials (description, demo & download) and comes with support for syntax highlighting. It can also be used as a normal blof if required. Euclides Download PageView the Demo Origin (Responsive) Hatch (Responsive) Stumblr. Thème - Twin - Creative Portfolio and Photography. Twin is a premium WordPress theme designed for Creatives and Photographers. The theme is exclusively crafted to showcase your artwork, photography and personal projects. Supported with decent blogging features and post formats, the theme is envisioned to provide you a unique and multi-purpose portfolio base. Live DemoClean design, WordPress 3.3+ readyjQuery Masonry Layout with dynamic grid widths. Update Log Oct 13th 2012 – Version 1.2Fixed Twitter widget API callAdded ‘Group’ selection for Flickr WidgetFixed secondary widget area for mobile devices July 17th 2012 – Version 1.1 Updated Custom Background feature for WP 3 .4Fixed multiple jPlayer instances on same page.

Sources and Credits jQuery LibraryjQuery CyclejQuery jPlayerjQuery MasonryjQuery PrettyPhotojQuery Validate Social icons created from the Brand Resource Library of individual social sites. Important: Images shown in Live demo are NOT included with the download. Thank you for stopping by and browsing my theme. Thème - Zeences - Wordpress Portfolio & Business Theme. Zeences Wordpress Portfolio & Business theme is a premium template with dark and light skin options and includes a full-screen background image slideshow option. Zeences also includes portfolio posts, a custom system to create your own image or video sliders and a slick portfolio page layout using jquery masonry. This jQuery enhanced template contains a useful collection of custom shortcodes, an online shortcode generator and thorough help documentation, making it easy to create high quality, interactive and feature rich pages or posts.

Features Testimonials “What a fantastic theme the Zeences for wordpress has turned out to be. As soon as we saw it on Theme Forest we knew it was the theme to help us stand out in what is a very crowded online marketplace for our industry. Easy to use, great customization, and when we had questions the makers were right there to answer straight away and more.

David and Joanna Green – Big Day Weddings and People Portraits Photographers Updates. Gridly : Free WordPress Portfolio Theme. Gridly: Responsive jQuery Masonry Free WordPress Theme. Details Category: WP Themes Created on Saturday, 24 March 2012 06:46 Written by Marvin Ryan Gridly is an Mobile Ready Elegant Responsive Free WordPress Theme based on jQuery Masonry, it's the best ideal for graphic designers or photographers Portfolio Blog. jQuery Masonry is a layout plugin for jQuery. Think of Masonry as the flip side of CSS floats. Where as floats arrange elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges them vertically then horizontally. This is responsive wordpress theme that can view on mobile device like android or iphone or tablet device like ipad. Features Minimal Design Responsive for iPhone Simple Options Panel Featured Images Logo upload option 2 Colour Schemes Widgetized Footer jQuery Masonry WordPress 3.0 Menus Demo: Download: Guess you would be interested in also: