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Waiting List - Vinyasa Yoga Meetups - Imperial Beach. Joomla. Social Media Marketing: Interview with Kodak’s Chief Listening Officer. I read print publications pretty much the same way that I read digital media – keywords constantly pop out at me and help me decide whether an article is worth my time or not. So, I was flipping through BtoB Magazine, past the usual suspects…online ad spending, digital media, marketing automation…and then, a truly novel grouping of words stuck out to me – Chief Listening Officer.

That title was appended to Beth LaPierre of Kodak. On her Twitter profile, she describes herself as “Air traffic controller + advocate for the masses.” I’m a big fan of using social media for listening and anyone who advocates for their audience, so I just had to find out more. And Beth was kind enough to answer a few questions… I’m so intrigued by your title. Beth LaPierre: Simply put, a CLO is something of an Air Traffic Controller. What specifically are you listening for and how does Kodak use that information? BL: For the most part, my role supports three main listening functions: Recommended resources. Institute of Noetic Sciences | Consciousness | Science | Spirituality | Wisdom.

Pearltrees: The Future of Social Bookmarking Scribd. Evolution's Ghost.