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Osho on perception. Tantra Sacred Massage-Osho. Osho is a revolutionary in the truest sense of the word. Born in India in 1931, he dedicated his life to teaching awareness in order to awaken us from old habits of thinking, living and being. His goal was to help us discover the universal divinity residing in all of us and our destiny within that. For the first time, a Master truly bridged the gap between east and west, making great knowledge and wisdom available and accessible to westerners. His teaching reached many people all over the world during his life and since leaving his body in 1999, through his writings. Never before has a Master left so much of the written word for us to enjoy and learn from - over 200 books, covering every topic imaginable. This is a great treasure of wisdom, accessible to all of us. Before leaving his body, he declared that he would dissolve in his people and that it would be through them that he would continue to teach the world. "The first part has to be sex.

So from the gross to the subtle you move. Tantra Yoga 2.0: Osho on Art of Meditation. Osho on Other Teachers. Osho Fragrance: And the heart center is the center from where the soundless sound arises.